Encyclopedia Titanica

Elizabeth Nye : Titanic Survivor

Titanic Review

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Elizabeth Nye Titanic Survivor Review

This fondly-written book had a strange overall effect upon me - it almost made me wish I were religious.

This is because Elizabeth was a Salvationist, and her commitment to this organisation is the underlying theme of her story. I have a residual affection for the Sally Army because, in my youth, they still fulfilled a very public role. The women wore basically the same uniform that Elizabeth did so many years beforehand, and undertook fundraising in fleshpots of which they did not approve (pubs). They always seemed very successful, with grizzled old guys with boozer’s noses willingly donating the price of a pint, and accepting a copy of The Warcry in return which, I’m sure, they never read. The Salvation Army bands also used to march and play on Sundays, and were regarded with affection by everybody. I have not seen a Salvationist in decades.

As I lolled on the sofa reading this book, with a hedonistic bottle of white wine and snacks to hand, I was struck by the great contrast in my life to Elizabeth’s, and I began to feel distinctly lacking in public spirit, and more than a little exhausted by her energy, commitment and resilience. Sorrow was, of course, no stranger to late Victorian women and Elizabeth was no exception, losing her first husband and a tiny daughter. In her situation, I doubt if I would have decided to return to America alone, where she had briefly lived, but she was in the family of the Salvation Army, so would have had fewer qualms. Unfortunately, she was bumped off the Philadelphia and onto the Titanic. The actual sinking is but a small part of this book, although it does reproduce Elizabeth’s immediate post-sinking account to her parents and some inaccurate, probably embellished, journalistic narratives based on her impressions. She can, however, be credited with having accurately observed the ship breaking in two just before it sank.

After the sinking, the widow Elizabeth Nye married fellow-Salvationist George Darby, also an English emigrant to the USA. The book is mostly devoted to their life of service together to their less virtuous, or more unfortunate, fellow human beings, and to that iconic mainstay of the Salvation Army - music. And very interesting it is to those of us who enjoy social history. Particularly fascinating are the accounts of the Salvation Army’s early life in Folkestone, where Elizabeth’s father was a leading musical and organisational light. For some reason, the trawlermen of the town, in particular, took great exception to the Army, and accounts of their disagreements lead one to the conclusion that early Salvationists were a good deal tougher then, and not averse to some distinctly physical encounters. Also of interest is the martial structure of the Salvation Army, and the revelation that Elizabeth (a mere foot soldier) could not marry George (a Captain) until she herself had been commissioned an officer, which entailed training at a college. Luckily, she graduated.

As a modern woman, living in a reasonably large house, cluttered with electronic devices and domestic appliances, grumbling good-naturedly about the presence of a mere two untidy men, and often deciding against cooking in favour of takeaways, I stand in awe of Elizabeth’s ability to share her home with so many other relatives and lodgers. To make her own bread and cook proper meals for them all; to care for her husband and son; to work for Salvation Army projects and get steadily promoted through the organization; and to make all her own clothes whilst listening to the Victrola or, later, the radio (she doesn’t seem to have much taken to TV in later life). We, today, complain about having to work hard, but I don’t think we pack so much variety and public service into our lives as Elizabeth’s generation did. And I very much doubt if we have so many friends, which may explain Facebook. And that is why, contemplating the dispersed and short-lived nature of today’s relationships, I rather envied Elizabeth’s community and firm beliefs.

The character of Elizabeth is somewhat elusive in this book, which is not to criticise the author, who never met her. He has done his best to put human flesh on her bones, but is reliant to an extent on those who knew her when they were children. Their impressions vary with some finding her very approachable, and some finding her rather formidable - as I expect a Victorian lady might seem to a young child in the 1940s. But her progress through life and, to an extent, her character, is well documented by the many photographs.

She was a pretty young woman, and I’m sure would have been a very able fund-raiser in the pubs of my youth, had she been around. She was Promoted to Glory in 1963 after a satisfying life, I think, but one over which hovered the terrible experience of April 1912.

I like this book very much. Not one for the purely techies, maybe, but one for the many others who are fascinated by the lives of their forebears.

Elizabeth Nye: Titanic Survivor
By David Bryceson
Published by Street

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Monica Hall, UK


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  1. Inger Sheil
    Trying very hard not to sound like I'm writing enthusiastic ad copy, but I'm genuinely very excited that this will soon be available - this is a book that is well worth the wait! Dave Bryceson, whose last book, The Titanic Disaster in the British National Press, has become a standard reference work on Titanic bookshelves and who has written articles and facilitated the research of others (I’m among the many who owe him a great debt), is publishing his second work: the much anticipated biography of Elizabeth Nye. Elizabeth Nye: Titanic Survivor is the product of years’ worth of research. It’s a cracking good read — as one would expect of Dave — and beautifully illuminates the life and times of its subject. I was particularly interested in Dave’s exploration of the Salvation Army as part of the context of Elizabeth’s life — I lived in the East End near where William and Catherine Booth started the movement (today a statue in Stepney Green
  2. Anthony Cunningham Anthony Cunningham
    This sounds like a super book! I really enjoy reading up about some of the less famous passengers from the Titanic disaster. I will also be interested to find out more about Elizabeth's Salvation Army work. I'm going to order mine as an early Christmas present - to myself!
  3. Inger Sheil
    I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Anthony - Just a note; I've heard that there has been a delay in the publishing date, so the book should be out about the 8th December. Also, the publisher is Streets Publishers. The eventual email contact for orders will be [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL] Here's an online article about the work - although the publication date is incorrect: [QUOTE] Titanic Historian Publishes Second Book Dave Bryceson, 62, who moved to Skegness two years ago, has written a biography about Titanic survivor Elizabeth Nye. The book, Elizabeth Nye: Titanic Survivor, has taken 20 years to research and follows Mr Bryceson's first book The Titanic Disaster As Reported in the British National Press April-July 1912, which was published in 1997. Mr Bryceson's passion for all things related to the Titanic began about 20
  4. Anthony Cunningham Anthony Cunningham
    Thanks Inger - I'm sure it will be worth the wait!
  5. Inger Sheil
    The revised official release date has been announced - the 6th February. ISBN is 9 780955 198816. The publisher is inviting orders on [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] from the release date. Dave has mentioned that if anyone would particularly like to purchase a signed copy then they are welcome to contact me direct on [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] - I undestand he is also planning on putting a number on ebay at the Buy-it-now price of £10.95. My copy has arrived, and it's fabulous - I enjoyed reading it all over again. A wealth of information and the illustrations are superb! A Titanic must have.
  6. Anthony Cunningham Anthony Cunningham
    This is great news! I'm really looking forward to reading this book and will order mine from ebay directly.
  7. Brian J. Ticehurst
    BOOK NEWS 1 Elizabeth Nye - Titanic Survivor A Biography by David Bryceson Published by Streets Publishers, Herefordshire. Price £10.95. ISBN 978-0-9561054-0-0. Card cover, 147 pages. For the author to get this book published it was indeed a labour of love, which included 20 years of research, after many trials and tribulations he has finally succeeded in getting the book to the Booksellers shelves. The result is a very worthwhile tome adding to everyone's collection. The book tells the life story of Elizabeth Nye, a member of the Salvation Army, detailing the early, often tragic, experiences in Folkestone and New York that led to her involvement with the RMS Titanic. It also reveals how the disaster was to affect Elizabeth for the remainder of her life. I found it a most interesting, very well illustrated read, giving a very good insight into the work and workings of that wonderful organisation the Salvation Army. Well done Dave.
  8. Phillip Gowan
    I would be quite remiss if I failed to put in a plug for Dave Bryceson's biography of Elizabeth Nye. I received my copy yesterday and have literally devoured it--staying up late last night and spending lunchtime today to make more headway into it--finally finishing it up just an hour ago. Dave really put his heart into this and having talked to him in person about it and seen the excitement in his eyes when he spoke of the project, I have just an inkling of what this labor of love has meant to him. The story of Elizabeth Ramell Nye's life needed to be told--there are sad parts, there are happy times, there are passages that make you smile or laugh out loud. And the photos are great--I was especially glad to see rare photos provided by Elizabeth's granddaughter and to know that in the end the family cooperated in some way. And there are many other great photos besides. Although Elizabeth Nye is not as well known a passenger as some others, this is an opportunity for Titanic buffs to
  9. Inger Sheil
    Well said, Brian and Phil - it's a testament not only to the power of Elizabeth's story, but also to Dave's talent and perserverance! Just wanted to add that folks may want to keep an eye on eBay as an easy way of ordering it - there's a copy up now in ebay UK, item no. 110344378375
  10. Andrew Williams Andrew Williams
    I particularly take great comfort at knowing that each sale of the book, a Pound (£1) donation goes towards helping the coppers of the Sally Army. Little do people realise the enormity of their involvement with the Relief Fund. During the early day's the Southampton Committee was faced with all sorts of problems none more so when trying to locate the families around the whole of the U.K. The only organisation that came to their aid with helping hands on offer was the good old Sally Army. They would do the same level care to the victims of the Empress of Ireland as well as the Lusitania. I have made contact with Dave Bryceson and shall do the honours by sending him a letter with the enclosed payments. Three cheers to Dave and three cheers to the Sally Army and above all I must extend a huge thank you to Inger Sheil for bring this title to our attention. A.W.
  11. Anthony Cunningham Anthony Cunningham
    I have just received my copy of Dave Bryceson's biography of Elizabeth Nye and I've been skimming through it this evening. My first impression is simple: It's excellent! The book is full of photographs and is a glossy, lavish feeling paperback. I shall enjoy spending the weekend reading through it. Bravo Dave!
  12. Paul Rogers
    Good review, Mon. Taken with the comments above, this book sounds like a fascinating read.
  13. Inger Sheil
    Good review, Monica - it certainly was an age with a different mindset when it came to issues like civic duty. I was reminded of my grandfather, who was a sort of local liaison officer for St Vincent de Paul in a rural NSW town. He'd often be called to the door in the middle of the night to help someone down on their luck, and would take them into the family home to assist them. The Salvation Army's human touch, as seen in the wake of the Titanic disaster, came to the fore recently in the Victorian bushfires.
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Elizabeth Nye : Titanic Survivor (Titanic Review, ref: #9946, published 24 February 2009, generated 1st July 2024 04:40:59 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/elizabeth-nye-titanic-survivor.html