Encyclopedia Titanica

Elizabethans On Board Big Liner Titanic (1)

Elizabeth Daily Journal

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News of Relatives Anxiously Awaited by Families In This City

Fred Jefferies, of 21B Florida street, is anxiously awaiting word of his sister, two brothers and brother-in-law, who were passengers on the fated steamship Titanic, on their way to this city. The sister, Mrs. Peter Reniff, and her husband, had been residents of this city for two years and were on their way home from a visit to England, their motherland. Mrs. Reniff was bringing her two brothers, Ernest and Clifford Jefferies, to this country.

Mr. Jefferies went to his work in the plant of the Goldsmith Detinning Company, at Chrome, this morning, unaware of the fact that the Titanic had sunk and that most of her passengers were supposed to be lost. He scanned the papers eagerly last night, but fear for the safety of his relatives was subdued by the reports that the passengers on the big steamer were in no danger.

Mr. and Mrs. Reniff had lived in Florida street for about two years. Last December, following the death of Mrs. Reniff’s mother, they decided to go back to England. According to letters received by Mr. Jefferies they had intended to sail on Good Friday, but the opportunity to sail home on the largest steamer in the world tempted them to wait. Mrs. Reniff’s brothers wanted to see something of America and they also took passage on the Titanic. The family were second-cabin passengers. Dispatches that the passengers were mostly women and children leads [sic] to the belief that Mr. Reniff and the two Jefferies brothers are probably among the lost.

In the list of the survivors is the name of Mrs. Lizzie Ranuff, who is believed to be Mrs. Peter Reniff. Mr. Jeffries [sic] is awaiting confirmation from the White Star line offices in New York.

The Reniffs had expected to again make their home in this city. They are quite well-known in the neighborhood in which they lived and intended to return there. Their furniture is stored in their flat in Florida street. The couple were members of Grace Episcopal Church and Mr. Reniff was a member of the Hawthorne Athletic Club.

Mr. Jefferies boards with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holland, who occupy the same house in which the Reniffs had lived. Only this morning an English paper arrived, which had been mailed by the Reniffs before they set sail from England.

[The next several paragraphs of this article mention the Carter family, the Peacock family and Col. Gracie, in that order. Links to those parts of this article can be found on those passengers' respective summary pages.]

Flags on the school buildings have been ordered placed at half-mast out of respect to the victims of the Titanic disaster. The following telegram was received by Superintendent of Schools Richard E. Clement from President of the Board of Education Robert B. Cissel, who is in Philadelphia:

“Extend the sympathy of our public schools to those bereaved by the awful disaster, by ordering flags half-mast.”


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Elizabethans On Board Big Liner Titanic (1) (Elizabeth Daily Journal, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #2446, published 12 March 2004, generated 30th June 2024 10:48:21 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/elizabethans-board-big-liner-titanic-2.html