Encyclopedia Titanica

Emily Ryerson Clarke Sues for Divorce

New York Times

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RENO, Nev., June 2
Mrs. Emily Borlie Clarke brought suit for divorce on ground of cruelty against George Hyde Clarke, to whom she was married at Cooperstown, N. Y., on Oct. 23, 1915. Agreement has been made regarding custoday of their seven children and property rights.
Mr. Clarke is a member of an old family of this State, and Hyde Hall, the residence at Cooperstown, has been in the family for several generations. He was graduated from Harvard in 1911 and is a member of the Racquet and Tennis Club. Mrs. Clarke was formerly Miss Emily B. Ryerson.

[These two paragraphs are part of a longer article about several Reno divorce filings. Although the dateline is "Reno", the reference to "this State" in the second paragrpah is to New York.]

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Emily Ryerson Clarke Sues for Divorce (New York Times, Friday 3rd June 1932, ref: #3565, published 24 August 2004, generated 3rd July 2024 08:50:42 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/emily-ryerson-clarke-sues-for-divorce.html