Encyclopedia Titanica

Escape from Whitchurch : Search for Patient who was in The Titanic

South Wales Daily News

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The authorities of the City of Cardiff Mental Hospital have been much perturbed since Thursday by the escape of one of the patients from that institution.

John Anderson, a man of the seafaring class, of medium build, and about 40 years of age, has been missing since that day, and all efforts to trace him both by the asylum officials and the police have proved futile. Fortunately Anderson is a man of quiet disposition, and is suffering from a shock sustained when the Titanic sank, being one of the crew of that ill fated ship and only left the vessel in the last boat-load of those who escaped.

Anderson was a native of Southampton, where he resided with his brother, and inquiries are now being made in that town in the hope that the man may be traced. It is believed that Anderson had spent some time in the Cardiff district selling mementoes of the Titanic, and is thought he may return to the locality with a view to earning a livelihood.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2017) Escape from Whitchurch : Search for Patient who was in The Titanic (South Wales Daily News, Monday 29th June 1914, ref: #20185, published 23 July 2017, generated 3rd July 2024 10:05:15 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/escape-from-whitchurch-search-for-patient-who-was-in-the-titanic-20185.html