Two Suffering From Shock Get $20 Each and Will Be Sent to a Sanitarium
Two Titanic passengers, women, who still are suffering from the shock and exposure of the midnight tragedy, each received last night a $20 bill from the Examiner's Titanic Fund and arrangements will be made to-day to send both to a sanitarium, where they will be under medical attention until their complete recovery.
Miss Annie Kelly, seventeen years old, who said she was the last woman passenger received in the last boat to leave the sinking Titanic and who is very ill at the home of her cousin, Miss Anna Garvey, 303 Eugenie street, was one of the persons to receive aid from the Examiner fund.
Miss Annie McGowan, fifteen years old, who lost her aunt, Catherine McGowan, when the two were separated in the crush to gain the lifeboats, is in a precarious condition at the home of her uncle, Thomas McDermott, 3241 North Ashland avenue. She has been irrational ever since the disaster and constantly lives over the scenes of the wreck, imagining that she is on the deck of the Titanic and that all the lifeboats have gone and she has been left to her fate. She talks about "still waters" that "seem to be beckoning" her to a watery grave.
An attending physician says it will be at least two weeks before Miss mcGowan will show any evidence of returning reason and that a rest in a sanitarium will do much to restore her.
This arrangement will be made to-day.
The Examiner meantime is carefully investigating the condition of other Chicagoans who were in the disaster and will meet their needs as rapidly as possible.
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