Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Officer: Henry Wilde (Family Information)

Liverpool Echo

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Of the four children, Jane, Harry, Arnold, and Nancy, Arnold is the sole survivor - he also happened to be my father. The eldest, Jane died last year and with her went a lot of the answers. I have given you the date that my grandmother died, and I believe that the twins died on birth a few days before her - they were called Archibold and Richard. The Titanic disaster fund was very good to the children - they got a book each Christmas until their early teens!!!."

"The obelisk and gravestone is actually in Long Moor Lane cemetery which is on the boundary of Aintree and Fazakerly and yes Henry T. Wilde's name is on it - it was I believe erected by his brother."

"Those are all the facts I can give you. There is a letter somewhere in the family that he wrote from Cork (Queenstown) on the fatal voyage. In it he says how unhappy he is with all the euphoria and that there is no such thing as an unsinkable ship!

He had indeed been given command of one of the company ships - The Cedric. . . . ."

(From Mrs Yates, (relation), Blackburn, 23 June, 1987).

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Titanic Officer: Henry Wilde (Family Information) (Liverpool Echo, Tuesday 23rd June 1987, ref: #4205, published 11 November 2004, generated 30th January 2025 09:04:56 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/family-information-15.html