Encyclopedia Titanica

For Hilliard and M'Carthy

Memorial service in Allston church.

Boston Globe

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Memorial service in Allston church.

Families, friends and fellow workers on dead men.

Rev F.G.Potter says they did not die in vain.

During a special memorial service held at the Allston Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning members of the firm of Jordan Marsh company and about 200 employees paid their respects to the memory of Herbert H Hilliard of Brighton and Timothy McCarthy of Dorchester, two of the firm's buyers, who lost their lives in the wreck of the Titanic.

Occupying pews in the forward part of the church work Mrs Hilliard, her daughter, Mrs Chase of Somerville, and other relatives, also the children of Mr McCarthy. Members of the Jordan Marsh firm present were W.S.Wattern[?] and W.D.Williams and the superintendent, W.A.Hawkins. There were also many heads of departments in the gathering.

The pulpit was decorated with cut flowers. During the service a large open Bible, fashioned from beautiful flowers arrived and was placed with the others on the pulpit. This remembrance came from Colombian Lodge of Masons, of which Mr Hillyard was a member.

The service was conducted by the pastor, Rev Frank Gerrish Potter.

A male quartet rendered feelingly "Love Divine all Loves Excelling," "Cast my Burdens on the Lord" and "Softly and Tenderly." For the closing hymn the congregation sang "Blest be the tie that binds," which was a favourite with Mr Hillyard. As an offertory number the organist, Mr Blache Brocklebank, rendered show pounds funeral March.

Rev Mr Potter's tender reference to Mr Hilliard and Mr McCarthy and his words of comfort deeply affected the large congregation.

Speaking of the spirit of brotherliness and helpfulness which rises from such terrible disasters as the wreck of the Titanic, the minister spoke feelingly of the big-heartedness of the Jordan Marsh firm in its desire to do all it could for the bereaved families.

"Human nature," said the minister, "is ever asking the question 'does God ever deliberately do these things?' I say no, never. I hope never to stand in a puppet and declare as one man we know of did, that the great catastrophe came as a judgement upon one man board that ship. If I were to become possessed of that idea, I should close my pulpit, march out of those doors and accept the theology of the world rather than the theology of God. When a man stands up and dares to make such a declamation he becomes a disgrace to the ministry of Christ.

"The story of the cause of this disaster, to my mind, is the strength of competition, of unbridled ambition and the spirit of materialism. When men are governed by these they become thoughtless and a little careless.

"Of the deeds of heroism and Cheryl Lee of other days, no more has been said or can be said than of the deeds of the men who sang with that ship. Every man of them goes down in the annals of history as one of gods great heroes.

"Mr Hilliard and Mr McCarthy standing out in the strength of their Christian characters, standing aside to help women and children, surely the recording angel will record to their credit: 'Even as he did it onto the list of those on board, you did it unto Me.'

"This great sacrifice is a law of progress. Out of this awful tragedy may come to some great good. If, as a result, steamships are made safer, if better laws governing their operation are made and the screws are better equipped, then the sacrifice will not have been for nothing. The premium is large, I know, but your children and your children's children will benefit by it."

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2021) For Hilliard and M'Carthy (Boston Globe, Monday 29th April 1912, ref: #441, published 20 April 2021, generated 31st January 2025 11:57:44 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/for-hilliard-and-mcarthy-441.html