Encyclopedia Titanica

Fragment of Edith Russell's Lucky Pig to Sell at Auction

A tiny fragment of a Titanic Survivor's lucky mascot will go under the hammer.

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Fragment of Edith Russell's Lucky Pig to Sell at Auction

Edith Russell was given the lucky pig after surviving a horrific car crash. The pig travelled with her on the Titanic and played a significant part in her own rescue.

A fragment from the Lucky pig is expected to fetch up to $2,500 when it is auctioned in December 2011.

More about Edith Russell and her lucky pig.

Picture courtesy of Swann Galleries.

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  1. Dani (1153) Dani (1153)
    That's not a piece of her lucky pig. She left it to Walter Lord...& the only thing wrong with it is that it didn't play music anymore! & I'm sure it's been passed down since his death in 2002!
  2. Sandy McLendon Sandy McLendon
    Everyone here knows the story of Edith Rosenbaum's little toy pig that played The Maxixe when its tail was twisted or pulled. The National Maritime Museum, which has owned the artifact since 2003, has managed to decipher the inner workings of the toy, and to get it to play its song once more. [MEDIA=audio]http://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/media/audio/edith_rosenbaum_lucky_pig_tune.mp3[/MEDIA]
  3. TimTurner
    Interesting. I had always assumed that it was a mass-produced ceramic pig.
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2011) Fragment of Edith Russell's Lucky Pig to Sell at Auction ( ref: #14071, published 14 November 2011, generated 2nd July 2024 09:11:45 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/fragment-of-edith-russells-lucky-pig-to-sell-at-auction-14071.html