The Evening Echo carried an obituary for Gus Cohen. According to this he was accident prone throughout his life. Friends called him the Cat, because they said, he had used up most of his nine lives.
His first brush with death was on the Titanic. After the collision alarm was raised, he jumped 60 ft. to the sea, and was later picked up by a lifeboat.
His second brush with death came during the First World War when he escaped with his life but was blinded in one eye.
Later he climbed out of the wrong side of a train and crashed on to the track causing bruises. Then he was knocked down in a London hit-and-run street drama and survived a fractured skull.
At the time of his death, Cohen lived at Raymond Court old folks flats, overlooking the Thames Estuary in Clifton Terrace, Southend.- Arne Mjåland
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