Encyclopedia Titanica

[Gustav Wolff arrives at Honolulu, 1885]

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By the S. S. Australia the following gentlemen arrived and are at present
staying at the Hawaiian Hotel: Lord Elphinstone, James Ashbury, Esq., M. P.,
G. Wolff, Esq., Belfast, and C. Schofield, Esq., Manchester. Lord
Elphinstone was a member of the last British Government and one of the lords
in waiting to Her Majesty Queen Victoria. He visited these Islands about
forty years[sic] while on duty in a British man-of-war. Mr. Ashbury's name
is known the whole world over in connection with yachting. Mr. Wolff is the
designer and builder of the large and splendid steamers of the White Star
Line. The Oceanic and Coptic, of the O. S. S. Line, which have visited this
port, were designed and built by him. Mr. Schofield, who is rather a young
man, is a member of the Lancashire Yeoman Cavalry. A representative of the
BULLETIN called on these gentlemen this noon at the Hotel. Mr. Ashbury, who
was the spokesman of the party, is a very entertaining gentleman, and full
of humor, at the expense of the rest of the party. He states that Colonel
Claus Spreckels will take them to Spreckelsville to-morrow for a visit to
the plantation and other places. Returning on Saturday, they will leave on
the 22nd by the W. G. Hall for the Volcano. They will be due in Honolulu on
the 30th, and leave for the Coast by the Alameda on May 1st. Arriving in San
Francisco the party will separate. Mr. Ashbury will go direct to Salt Lake

[MAB notes: 1. Wolff boarded Australia at Auckland on 31 March. 2. Between
1875 and 1906 the Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. chartered White Star
ships including Oceanic I and Coptic for service between San Francisco,
Japan and Hong Kong, using White Star officers and Chinese crews.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2015) [Gustav Wolff arrives at Honolulu, 1885] ( ref: #20134, published 12 April 2015, generated 29th June 2024 10:22:03 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/gustav-wolff-arrives-at-honolulu-1885-20134.html