Encyclopedia Titanica


Evening Bulletin

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Annie Ward, Cardeza Maid, Saved from Titanic, Didn't Want to Go Aboard
Miss Annie Ward, maid to Mrs. J. W. M. Cardeza, of Germantown, who was saved from the wreck of the Titanic, had a premonition that something was going to happen when she went abroad with the Cardeza. [sic] Miss Ward lives in Evergreen ave., Chestnut Hill. She is a step-daughter of J. W. Craig and she has been with the Cardeza family for six years. She made a number of trips abroad and her been all over the world.

"Annie told her mother that she did not want to make another voyage across the ocean," said Mrs. Craig to-day. "She feared that something was going to happen, although she could not tell what made her fear another voyage. We laughed at her and told her that her fear was groundless and she was persuaded to accompany Mrs. Cardeza. She said that this would be her last trip, and it came pretty near being so."

Friends of Mrs. Cardeza say they believe that Mr. T. D. M. Cardeza was saved through his mother insisting that he be placed in a life boat with her. He had been ill and he went abroad to recuperate. Friends of the Cardezas believe that his mother refused to enter the life boat without her son and that the captain of the Titanic permitted him to go with her.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) HAD PREMONITION OF HARM (Evening Bulletin, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #3790, published 24 September 2004, generated 30th January 2025 05:49:56 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/had-premonition-harm.html