Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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Degrees for 1,205 Students at the University’s 274th Commencement
Says Conflict Imposes Burden Upon Us---Widener Memorial Library Is Dedicated
Special to The New York Times
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 24---Harvard’s 274th commencement was signalized by the graduation of the largest class in the history of the university and the dedication of the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library.


Twelve honorary degrees were awarded by Pesident Lowell as follows: Master of Arts---Alexander Hamilton Rice, explorer of tropical America ... .

The dedication of the $2,000,000 library was the feature of the day. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge’s presentation speech and President Lowell’s acceptance being both gems of oratory.

“This meeting marks an important moment in the university’s history,” said Mr. Lowell. “We meet to dedicate this great new library. In the first place it is a memorial of a mother’s love to her son. Thoseoof us who knew Harry Widener loved him. He sought the higher pleasures of life. No memorial of him could be better than this collection of books.”

“Christian Welfare,” the one book left from John Harvard’s original gift was placed in the library by Professor Coolidge, the Director.

Members of Mrs. Widener’s party were George D. Widener, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Eugene Dixon, Joseph E. Widener, George W. Elkins, William M. Elkins, Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbuch, and Horace Trumbauer. Among others present were J. Pierpont Morgan, Dr. Charles W. Eliot, President Hollis of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Governor Walsh, Lieut. Gov. Cushing, Deans Briggs and Hurlburt, William C. Lane, George Parker Winship, Mrs. John L. Gardner, and Mr. And Mrs. J. Randolph Coolidge.


[Portions of this article addressing non-Titanic aspects of the commencement have been omitted where indicated by ellipses. MAB]


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) HARVARD'S LARGEST CLASS GRADUATED (New York Times, Friday 25th June 1915, ref: #3191, published 14 July 2004, generated 1st February 2025 02:14:01 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/harvards-largest-class-graduated.html