Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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He Sails To-day to Show His Art Objects to Alexandra
J. P. Morgan sails on the Adriatic today for his usual holiday in
Europe. He will go directly to London. In response to a desire on the
part of Queen Alexandra to view the collection of art objects he has in
his house at Prince's Gate, Mr. Morgan will arrange a reception for that

Mr. Morgan has fixed no definite limit to his stay abroad, which usually
continues through the Summer. His going at this time was looked upon by
Wall Street as an indication of his confidence in the financial

Mr. Morgan attended yesterday the regular monthly meeting of the Steel
Directors. Afterward a Director said the company's business was
improving, though just to what extent it was difficult to say, owing to
the diversity of the plants.

In some quarters the betterment was estimated at about 10 per cent. over
the minimum to which the company's business recently fell. A little over
50 per cent. of the company's capacity is said now to be in active

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) MORGAN TO ENTERTAIN QUEEN (New York Times, Wednesday 26th February 1908, ref: #5971, published 26 February 2008, generated 2nd July 2024 03:10:05 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/j-p-morgan-entertains-queen.html