Encyclopedia Titanica

Sundman's Account

Salt Lake Tribune

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'When the vessel struck the iceberg I was asleep in my berth. I was awakened by a crunching noise along the side of the ship. It was followed by another. At the time we struck most of the 800 or more people in the steerage were asleep, but there were many men in the large smoking room in the after part of the ship smoking and playing cards.


By the time I got on my clothes every one was alarmed and hastily leaving their berths. In a few minutes the ship's officers came into the steerage and ordered everybody aft. Soon there was a struggling mass trying to get up the passage ways to the first-class deck. Families became separated in the confusion. By the time I succeeding in reaching the upper deck several boats had already been launched. I made my way to the rail where a boat was being put off. It was full of people but I saw no women left on deck. Someone yelled to me, 'jump.' The boat was already being lowered. I jumped and fell on my head in the middle of the boat, knocking over two or three of the occupants. I do not know how many were in the boat, all the way from forty to sixty, I should say. There were eight women, all of whom were in their night clothes. One of them, a Swedish woman, lost her two children and husband in the wreck. The husband carried all the money they possessed and she was left destitute. About half of the occupants of the boat seemed to be of the ship's crew, waiters or stokers. There were no sailors among them, and we passengers had to take the oars. I crawled over several people and took an oar on the port side. We rowed for five or six hours before we were picked up by the Carpathia. We were the third boat picked up, I believe.


The women and some of the men in the boat who were lightly dressed suffered severely from the cold. After leaving the Titanic I did not observe much that followed, as I was busy with the oar. Before I fell into the boat I noticed there was much confusion on the deck, which was filled with struggling men. I heard no shots or any explosion as the vessel sank, as has been reported. After our boat put off, there is not much to relate. Silently we floated around in the realization that our only lay in being picked up by passing ship. It was a great relief when we at last sighted the Carpathia. It was biting cold, and all around us we could see icebergs..."


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2014) Sundman's Account (Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday 28th April 1912, ref: #20123, published 29 September 2014, generated 3rd July 2024 10:06:17 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/johan-sundman-titanic.html