Encyclopedia Titanica

John Hugo Ross

First Class Passenger

John Hugo Ross
John Hugo Ross

Mr John Hugo Ross was born in Glengarry Co., Ontario, 24 November 1875, and moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba with his parents when he was two years old. He was the son of Arthur Wellington Ross, Liberal-Conservative Member of the Canadian Parliament for the Manitoba Constituency of Lisgar. His father, a real estate broker, was involved in the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and in 1878 was elected a member of the Manitoba Legislature. He resigned his seat in 1882 to run for federal office, and was elected MP.

As a child John Hugo was described in the Winnipeg Free Press as "a rosy-faced boy in knickerbockers, riding his dog sled, or off skating. On Sundays and special occasions he was the little gentleman in a kilt." When he was still in his teens, his father got him a position working for the lieutenant-governor of Manitoba, James Coolbrook Patterson. He worked there for a year and left Winnipeg for Toronto where he went into business for himself as a mining broker. The firm failed, he had a falling out with his father, and in 1902, with 25 cents in his pocket, went off to the Klondike to pan for gold. By the time he got there he realised the rush was over.

When his father died, he inherited the family fortune and returned to Winnipeg to look after his widowed mother. Dapper and flamboyant, he had a sarcastic wit. He and realtor Thomson Beattie had offices across the hall from each other in the same Merchants Bank Building. Ross' secretary, Maud MacArthur, in fact, considered herself Beattie's fiancee. Ross, Beattie and Vancouver banker Thomas McCaffry sailed from New York on the Franconia on 20 January 1912. After two months in the Aegean and Egypt, Ross was feeling ill, and they decided to cut their vacation short. "We are on the last lap of doing the old lands and ready for Winnipeg and business," he wrote a postcard to friends in Winnipeg. Ross cancelled reservations on the Mauretania and booked Cabin A-10 on Titanic instead.

John Hugo Ross 

Left: John Hugo Ross
Right: Ross, Unknown, Thomas McCaffry, Mark Fortune and Thomson Beattie feed pigeons in St. Mark's Square, Venice, March 1912
Courtesy: Alan Hustak, Canada

When he boarded on 10 April 1912, he was so ill from dysentery he had to be carried to his cabin on a stretcher. The last person to see Ross alive was probably Major Arthur Peuchen. Peuchen made his way up the grand staircase and saw Ross still in his pyjamas. When Ross was told the ship had struck an iceberg and that he should get dressed, Ross refused to believe the trouble serious. "Is that all,?" he told Peuchen. "It will take more than an iceberg to get me off this ship." Presumably, Ross drowned in his bed. His body was never recovered, but a memorial plaque with his name on it can be found in Winnipeg City Hall.

Research Articles

Jason D. Tiller Titanica! (2012) Toronto's Titanic Survivors

Newspaper Articles

The Evening Telegram (16 April 1912) HUGO ROSS WAS ABOARD
The Globe (16 April 1912) Many Canadians on Fated Steamer
Chicago Examiner (19 April 1912) John Hugo Ross among those not rescued
Manitoba Free Press (20 April 1912) Fortune Family Parted in Boat in Good Cheer
Women Had No Idea of Serious Condition of the Titanic


Toronto Daily Star (1912) Hugo Ross
Minneapolis Star Tribune (1912) John Hugo Ross

Graves and Memorials


Alan Hustak (1999) Titanic: The Canadian Story, Véhicule Press. ISBN 1 55065 113 7

Comment and discuss

  1. Glen McKenzie

    Glen McKenzie

    I am interested in John Hugo Ross. Actually, I am related through his grandmother Flora McKenzie.
  2. Susan Booth

    Susan Booth

    Hi everyone, Im not sure exactly why im here but I have a little story to tell and wonder if it rings a bell with anyone. Last Sunday (6th Nov) I had a dream that I was walking through a dockyard looking at the ships, then all of a sudden I was on board a ship and talking to a guy who told me his name was John Hugo Ross and he went down with the Titanic. The next minute I was waking up and his name had stuck in my head so I checked up on the passenger list and found him. I was able to describe to my husband what he was wearing in the dream and when I looked at his pic he was wearing the same clothes. I dont know why he contacted me but I havent the faintest idea how to find out about any relatives he might have. I wondered if anyone on here had a relative of this name.
  3. Sax angy

    Sax angy

    Ciao, io sono una sua parente da parte di suo padre
  4. Thomas Krom

    Thomas Krom

    I personally believe it is more likely that his two good friends Thompson Beattie and Thomas Francis McCaffry made him aware of the situation. According to Peuchen they moved to A-6 and A-8 to be nearer to their friend since he wasn't feeling too well. We know with certainty that both Beattie and McCaffry were on the boat deck near the final plunge.
  5. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    Senator... Read full post
  6. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    History is not based on personal beliefs, only... Read full post
  7. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    Yes, George Wright did.
  8. Thomas Krom

    Thomas Krom

    I am most certainly aware of that. It was purely speculation nor did I ever claimed it to be factual. At the time it was purely speculation on my part based on the fact that the three were good friends of one another. By the way, Peuchen wasn't the only survivor who spoke to Ross that fateful night, the other being William Sloper who mentioned the following : "We all took off for our staterooms to carry out the captain’s instructions. Returning for the second time to my warm, brightly lighted cabin where my room steward before dinner had laid out on the other bed my dinner suit and dress shirt. I got my life preserver down out of the overhead rack still not believing I wouldn't soon return to the room to go to bed. As I passed through the door to rejoin my friends, Hugo Ross called out to know what was the matter. After trying to reassure him that I didn't think the... Read full post
  9. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    I know that Beattie and McCaffry checked in on Ross in the days leading up to the sinking. While it is possible and certainly not out of the question that they did look in on Ross on the 14th, I have yet to see anything that they did. Thanks for posting the quote by Henry... Read full post
  10. Thomas Krom

    Thomas Krom

    No certainly... Read full post
  11. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    You're welcome and thanks. Indeed, let's hope so. Best wishes, Jason
  12. hugoross


    Hi Glen I am Hugo's great great niece. His sister Maude was my grandfather's mother. Stephanie Baltzan ers
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr John Hugo Ross
Age: 36 years 4 months and 21 days (Male)
Nationality: Canadian
Last Residence: in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 13049, £40 2s 6d
Cabin No. A10
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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