Encyclopedia Titanica


Toronto Daily Star

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Canadian Press Despatch

New York, April 19.---Col Gracie, U. S. A. who was the sole survivor of those who went down with the Titanic, and was rescued, gave this remarkable statement last night:

"Before I retired," said Colonel Gracie, "I had a long chat with Charles M. Hays, President of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad. One of the last things Mr. Hays was this: "The White Star, the Cunard, and Hamburg-American Lines are devoting their attention and ingenuity in vying with one another to attain the supremacy in luxurious ships and in making speed records. The time will come soon when this will be checked by some appalling disaster." Poor fellow, a few hours later he was dead."


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2006) JUST BEFORE SMASH HAYS SAID DISASTER (Toronto Daily Star, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #5040, published 11 April 2006, generated 1st July 2024 12:03:15 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/just-before-smash-hays-said-disaster.html