Récemment les journnaux anglaise ont annoncé que la dernière des 700 survivants do paquebot “Titanic” qui a coulé en 1912, était décédée, mais l’information est fausse. Dans la petite ville denoise de Davinde-Fuen. Habite Mme Karla Pedersen qui a été sur le “Titanic” au moment où ce magnifique paquebot a sombré et qui a fait 1,600 victimes. Mme Pedersen vient de fêter ses 75 ans.
Mme Karla Pedersen se porte parfaitement bien.
A droite, Karla Pedersen en 1912, photo prise avant son voyage sur le “Titanic”.
Recently the British newspapers announced that the last of the 700 survivors of the liner “Titanic” which sank in 1912 had died, but the information is false.1 In the small Danish town of Davinde-Fuen lives in Mrs. Karla Pedersen who was on the “Titanic” when this magnificent liner sank and which killed 1,600 people. Ms. Pedersen has just celebrated her 75th birthday.
Ms. Karla Pedersen is doing perfectly well.
Right, Karla Pedersen in 1912, photo taken before her trip on the “Titanic”.
Not only was that report false but this one was too since the last survivor of the Titanic did not die until 2009.
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