Encyclopedia Titanica

Letter from the diocesan Vicar general to William Byles

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Bishop's House

My dear Mr. Byles,

Last mail brought me the obituary card of your dear Rev. Brother; I have prayed for him, but to tell the truth, I am much more inclined to ask him to pray for me, to get through his intercession strength always to perform my Duty as he performed his. He died a Martyr of charity, performing the most perfect act of love of God and of his neighbor. "Majorem caritatem nemo habet, ut animam tuam ponat quis pro amicis suis." Ergo, how should his soul not have gone straight to heaven.

I wrote to you immediately after the news reached me. I hope you received my letter.

Now, as I turn the page, I come to another subject. I have still to congratulate you on your marriage. The first information I had of the happy event was when I read in some paper that His Holiness the Pope had given you & your wife his blessing. A marriage blessed in heaven by a martyr-brother, & on earth by the Vicar of Christ, is sure to be a happy one & deserves our hearty congratulations. So, my dear Mr. Byles, most heartily "Proficiat," as we say in Belgium.

Our Bishop for whom I have to act since April 14th, when he sailed for Europe, a few hours before the catastrophe of the "Titanic," will be back in Colombo only on Nov. 3rd. I have sent him the obituary card which you kindly forwarded to His Lordship. It will travel by the same boat as this hasty note. I shall be glad when His Lordship returns, as it is not a joke to do the work of two people in a climate like this. The noble example of your departed brother helps one to perform his duty more courageously.

With kindest regards & all best wishes to Mrs. Byles & your dear self, believe me

Very Sincerely Yours
J. Cooreman, S.J.
Vic. Gen.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Letter from the diocesan Vicar general to William Byles ( ref: #1923, published 21 November 2003, generated 1st February 2025 01:37:38 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/letter-from-diocesan-vicar-general-william-byles.html