Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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The largest steamship ever constructed slowly made her way, last evening
between 6 and 8 o'clock, up New York Bay and the North River to the White
Star piers at the foot of Banks Street. The huge vessel was the new
transatlantic liner Cedric, a sister of the Celtic of the same fleet, but
ninety-six tons larger.

[Much material irrelevant for present purposes has been omitted.]

Her commander is Capt. H. J. Haddock, C. B., R. N. R., formerly of the
Britannic, Germanic and Celtic. The chief officer is Lieut. Alexander
Hambleton, R. N. R., and the chief engineer J. W. Alexander, who for the
last two years had been chief engineer on the Britannic, which has been
doing service as a Government transport. The purser is H. McElroy.

Note: The full article from which these paragraphs have been excerpted appears here on the ET Message Board.

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Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) LINER CEDRIC IN PORT (New York Times, Saturday 21st February 1903, ref: #5470, published 13 February 2007, generated 2nd July 2024 01:47:51 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/liner-cedric-port.html