Encyclopedia Titanica

Liner Parisian Assists in Task

Chicago Daily News

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Another liner, the Parisian, of the Allan company, which sailed from Glasgow for Halifax April 6, is close at hand and assisting in the work of rescue. The Baltic and Virginian also are near the scene and the Olympic apparently is near, as the wireless information concerning the transfer comes from Capt. Haddock of the Olympic.

Latest reports indicate that the transfer of passengers is being carried on successfully and safely. The sea is smooth and the weather calm. It is probable that all of the passengers of the Titanic are safe.

While badly damaged, the titanic is still afloat and is reported to be making her way toward Halifax under her own steam.

Big Vessel Hits an Iceberg

A wireless message from the Titanic, largest and newest of ocean steamers, received shortly after midnight announced the liner had struck an iceberg off the banks of Newfoundland and was sinking. Transfer of the passengers to the lifeboats began at once. The accident occurred at 10:25 o’clock last night. Two hours later the ship’s wireless apparatus, which had been working so badly as to permit of only intermittent and fragmentary messages, failed completely.

Vessel Apparently Doomed

The last words sent by the operator told that the vessel apparently was doomed, “sinking by the head,” and that the woman passengers were being rushed into the l9ifeboats. A reassuring feature was that the weather was calm and clear and help only a few hours away.

The Titanic’s first S.O.S. message was received by the Allan liner Virginian, which, according to the position given by the Titanic’s operator, was not more than 170 miles away. The captain of the Virginian at once started his boat at full speed for the scene of the disaster, announcing to his brother officer on the bridge of the Titanic that the Virginian should reach him by 10 o’clock this morning.

Chicago Daily News, Monday, April 15, 1912, p. 1, c. 1

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Thomas E. Golembiewski


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) Liner Parisian Assists in Task (Chicago Daily News, Monday 15th April 1912, ref: #10927, published 13 October 2009, generated 3rd July 2024 09:36:52 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/liner-parisian-assists-in-task.html