Encyclopedia Titanica

Pirrie's Election as Lord Mayor Assured

The Times

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The unanimous nomination of Alderman Pirrie to be Lord Mayor of Belfast for next year has increased the hope that, as one of the most energetic members of the firm of Messrs. Harland and Wolff, he may be able to do something to bring the dispute to an end. Mr. Pirrie's unanimous nomination, of course, insures his unanimous election at the public meeting of the corporation to be held next Monday.

G. W. Wolff, M. P., has returned to Belfast, but it is understood that he will remain only a few days, and that his visit has no connexion with the dispute.

[Note: At the time this article was written, a strike by shipyard employees in Glasgow and Belfast was in progress.]

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Belfast, Ireland


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2008) Pirrie's Election as Lord Mayor Assured (The Times, Saturday 30th November 1895, ref: #7855, published 30 July 2008, generated 3rd July 2024 05:34:32 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lord-pirrie-election-lord-mayor-belfast-assured.html