Encyclopedia Titanica

Lost Two in Iroquois Fire

Daughters of Rescued Titanic Passenger Killed in Chicago Holocaust

New York Times

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Mrs. Ida S. Hippach, wife of L. A. Hippach, manufacturer, of 7,352 Sheridan Road, and Miss Jean Hippach their daughter, are among the Chicago Titanic passengers reported rescued.

Erwin J. Lewy of 5,628 South Park Avenue and W. Irwin G. Lewy, members of the jewelry firm of Lewy Brothers, State and Adams Streets, are thought to have been drowned.

Mr. Hippach left to-day on the Twentieth Century Limited to meet his wife and daughter in New York. First messages received told only of the rescue of Miss Hippach. Later reports, however, said that Mrs. Hippach also was among the survivors.

"My wife and daughter spent most of the time in Berlin, where my daughter had been studying music," said Mr. Hippach to-day. "According to the telegraph dispatches the age of my daughter is given as 15 years. She is 19 years old. None can imagine how overjoyed I am that my wife and daughter have been saved.

Mrs. Hippach's continental trip was planned primarily to restore her health, which had been seriously impaired since the Iroquois Theatre calamity, in which two of her young daughters [sic, it was her two sons Robert and Archie] met death. Considerable apprehension is now felt for her following the disastrous ending of the European trip.

W. Irvin G. Lewy left Chicago five weeks ago to purchase jewelry in Europe for the firm of Lewy Brothers. Mr. Lewy's brother and partner, M. D. Lewy, to-day said:

"My brother sailed about five weeks ago for the annual purchase of diamonds and other jewelry. He visited Paris, Naples, and Amsterdam while in Europe. We have had no word from the White Star, nor any messages from my brother. He was 31 years old. In Chicago he lived with our married sister, Mrs. M. M. Uppenheimer."

A cablegram was received to-day by Nelson P. Barnes from his sister, Mrs. James Clinch Smith, dated Paris, and stating that owing to a change of plans at a late hour she did not sail as a passenger upon the Titanic.

The Rev. John Harper and his daughter, Nina, 6 years old, of London, England, were passengers upon the Titanic according to the sailing list. The Rev. Mr. Harper was on his way to Chicago to begin a series of revival meetings at the Moody Church, West Chicago and La Salle Avenues, according to friends here. Only the name of the daughter appears in the list of the rescued. Mr. Harper, who is pastor of a large London church, is a well-known evangelist and conducted revival meetings at the Moody Church during November, December, and January. His success here last Winter resulted in his being recalled to conduct a second series of meetings.

Mrs. Oscar W. Johnson of St. Charles, Ill., with two little daughters, returning from a Winter spent in Sweden, were passengers upon the Titanic, according to a letter received by Mr. Johnson last night. The woman and her daughters are believed to have perished.


Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Lost Two in Iroquois Fire (New York Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #3305, published 29 July 2004, generated 30th January 2025 05:36:05 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/lost-two-iroquois-fire.html