Encyclopedia Titanica

Men Saved While Women Stood on Deck, is Charge.

Mrs Rosa Abbott tells of scenes on Titanic

The Evening Bulletin (Providence, RI)

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Men were permitted to enter lifeboats, despite the fact that women were awaiting an opportunity of being rescued, Mrs Rosa, Abbott, one of the survivors of the wreck, says. She has been at the home of Frederick Swanson in Norwood for three weeks, following her departure from a New York hospital.

She declares that at least seven women were left behind when the last of the lifeboats had lied away. She says that she was on the deck from the time. The second boat was lowered until the last one was left over the side, and that she had no chance to enter a boat, as there was no room.

Joining her stay in Norwood, Mrs Abbott's health has improved, and yesterday she went to New York for a brief stay. Later, she intends to visit the West for a change of scene in an attempt to relieve her mind from the terrible experience which resulted in the loss of her two sons.

Speaking of the disaster, Mrs Abbott made the following statement, although her mind is a blank concerning some of the things that transpired: 

"I was awakened by the crash of the liner with the iceberg, and becoming alarmed, I sent Gene, 13 years old, out on deck to see what had happened. He came back and said they were putting on life belts. I immediately got up and dressed, as did Gene and Rossmore.

"I arrived on the after–deck just as the second lifeboat was being lowered. I stood on the deck and saw all of the boats put off Gene. My youngest son was with me. Rossmore, 16 years old, was much larger and he was put back with the men.

"I did not have a chance to get into any of the lifeboats, as there was no room. There were at least seven women standing on the deck when the last boat was lowered from the rail. I saw several men get into boats without any protest. When the Titanic went down, the seven women beside myself slid off into the water. I had Gene by my side at that time. Soon after we struck the water, we were drawn beneath the surface by a great whirlpool.

"I came to the surface, but Gene did not, so far as I know, I never saw my oldest son after we went down the first time. I sank a second time, but was blown out of the water by the force of the explosion of the boilers. This accounts for the burns on my thighs. After a time, I scrambled to a loft and begged some of those on it to pull me aboard.

"Soon the raft tilted and all slid off into the water. Many of them managed to get back on it and some did not. I managed somehow to get on it, but I don't know how. We were forced to stand on the float in lock step to keep our balance for over six hours. Had it not been for Officer Lowe I would have been drowned. I was nearly exhausted when he lifted me into his lifeboat. It would have been impossible for an officer to show more courtesy, and many of the criticisms that have been made against this man are very unjust."


Gavin Bell, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2024) Men Saved While Women Stood on Deck, is Charge. (The Evening Bulletin (Providence, RI), Tuesday 21st May 1912, ref: #741, published 23 February 2024, generated 3rd July 2024 01:42:39 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/men-saved-while-women-stood-on-deck-is-charge.html