Encyclopedia Titanica


Washington Times

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Capital Resident Said to Be Aboard the Carpathia With Others Taken From the Titanic
Col. Archibald Gracie, 1627 Sixteenth street, is saved from the wreck of the Titanic and is on board the Carpathia headed for an American port, according to wireless information relayed from the Carpathia to the Olympic, thence to Cape Race, and by telegraph to Washington, where it was carried to his daughter, Miss Edith Gracie, today.

Miss Gracie, overwrought by a day of suspense and the shock of the news spread broadcast through the city last night that the Titanic had sunk, broke down when informed of her father's safety.

"Is it true, is it true?" she repeated when given the hopeful news. Sobbing, she was later helped to her chamber.


After the first shock of the news of her father's safety, equaled only by the earlier news that he was numbered among the missing, had passed away, Miss Gracie assumed a rather stoical attitude, despite her evident nervous collapse. Every edition of the papers yesterday brought different news, alternating between declarations that the Titanic would proceed under her own steam to port and statements that the passengers and crew were lost.

The impressions were so keen and succeeded each other so rapidly that Miss Gracie, after the first hungry acceptance of the news of her father's safety, became suspicious again and this noon was waiting in fear for a contradiction.

In the meantime the Gracie house was closed to interviewers. Miss Gracie wished neither to see nor speak to anyone, feeling herself unable to discuss a matter so vital. The housekeeper maintained a vigilant watch over her charge.

News Came Today

The news of Colonel Gracie's survival from the wholesale death list of the Titanic reached his daughter this morning after a sleepless night. Since the first announcement of the wreck, the housekeeper had been vigilantly searching for news, but this morning she exercised her discretion in carrying information and inquiries to Miss Gracie. Her charge was in such a condition of nervous collapse that she refused to disturb her except on a matter of extreme importance.

The news of the rescue of Colonel Gracie is the first hopeful news that has reached Washington since the disaster. The quartet of Washingtonians on the great vessel were all of prominence, and there was reason to believe from all reports received prior to this morning that all of them had been lost, victims possibly to the gallantry of men who looked after the safety of women and children first.

The first dispatches were positive in tone, asserting that woman and children constituted the list of the saved. Men appeared to be barred even from the hope of safety.

Hope for the Others

It is hoped that since fuller information regarding the list of survivors is available that the names of some of the other Washington men on the vessel will be found among those who were saved. Nothing has been heard definitively, however, about Maj. Archibald Butt, Frank D. Millet, or Clarence Moore. They are still included in the ominous shadow of the early dispatches that said that only "women and children" were taken off the Titanic.

The news received regarding Colonel Gracie is an indication of the splendid effort that is being made to get all available information of the disaster to land. The news was relayed through two wireless stations and handled through two telegraph offices.

On account of the far eastern position of the Olympic news is received one hour later in Washington than it is dispatched from the vessel. This delay will be overcome in the course of the day, however, an the vessel bearing Colonel Gracie and other survivors will journey 500 miles or more during the day, bringing the ship very nearly within the limits of eastern time.

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Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MISS GRACIE HEARS FATHER IS AMONG PASSENGERS SAVED (Washington Times, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #3998, published 20 October 2004, generated 1st July 2024 09:35:44 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/miss-gracie-hears-father-is-among-passengers-saved.html