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The New York Times

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Financier Has Overtaxed His Strength and Doctors Force Him to Stay in
No Organic Trouble, Say Advices to Firm, but He Has Been Too Active Since
Reaching Rome
By Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Telegraph to The New York Times
ROME, March 29---The wildest rumors have been current here to-day concerning
the condition of J. Pierpont Morgan.

Herbert L. Saterlee, the son-in-law of the financier, and the physicians
require that he shall receive no visits and shall remain in seclusion.

He taxed his strength too much after his arrival here from Cairo, and the
physicians say that his complete recovery depends on his taking rest in body
and mind. He is not even allowed to play solitaire.

Since Easter he has adhered to these strict orders, but he is chafing to get
to his own house in London.

Mr. Morgan insists on seeing the American mail, and one of the pleasures he
has enjoyed in the last week has been the inspection of an advance copy of
the of the reproductions of pictures from his art collection, prepared for
the Easter edition of THE NEW YORK TIMES.
His Son Admits Anxiety

When J. P. Morgan, Jr., was asked last night at his home at 231 Madison
Avenue for his comment upon dispatches from Rome and London to the effect
that his father's recovery was not progressing favorably, he said:

"I received a cable message this afternoon, which, while it gave no details,
indicated that my father's condition had been less favorable for the for the
last three days, and, in view of his years, is such as to give rise to
considerable anxiety."

It was said at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co. yesterday that daily cables
regarding the financiers [sic] health had been mostly of a reassuring
nature. A careful examination, made by physicians in Rome, had shown that
there was nothing organically wrong with the patient, and his illness had
taken the course expected in cases of partial nervous breakdown. He did not
have as comfortable a night as usual on Friday.

Among the passengers sailing yesterday on the liner Adriatic for Liverpool
was William Pierson Hamilton, Mr. Morgan's son-in-law and a partner in the
firm of J. P. Morgan & Co. When asked if he intended to see Mr. Morgan
during his stay abroad Mr. Hamilton said:

"I am simply going at this time because business is in such shape that I can
make the trip. If I am in Rome or any other city when Mr. Morgan is there
it is very likely that I will see him. That's all I have to say."

Mr. Hamilton said that he believed that Mr. Morgan's condition was much
improved since he had gone to Italy, and that hew was not seriously ill. If
he were in any danger the head of the banking house would have sent for some
of his partners.

Henry P. Davison, another partner in J. P. Morgan & Co., sails on Tuesday
for Cherbourg on the North German liner Kronprinzessin Cecilie with his wife
and daughter.

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Rome, Lazio, Italy


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2013) MORGAN MUST REST; SON ADMITS ANXIETY (The New York Times, Sunday 30th March 1913, ref: #19408, published 29 March 2013, generated 3rd July 2024 09:52:53 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/morgan-must-rest-son-admits-anxiety-19408.html