Encyclopedia Titanica

Mr. C. H. Lightoller, the second officer

Southampton Times and Hampshire Express

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Mr. C. H. Lightoller, the second officer on the ill-fated Titanic,who is reported to be among the survivors, lived at Netley Abbey, andon Wednesday one of our representatives called on his wife at theirresidence at Hound to convey congratulations at Mr. Lightoller'sprovidential escape.

Mrs. Lightoller, who has two little boys, had just returned fromSouthampton, where she had been visiting the wives of other officersless fortunate than herself, and said how terribly anxious she hadbeen, but how thankful she felt now that she was assured of herhusband's safety.

Mr. Lightoller, who comes from Liverpool, has seen service with theWhite Star line on the liners Teutonic and Oceanic, but recently hasbeen engaged on the Majestic. Mrs. Lightoller is a native of Australia,and, with her husband, have been living at Netley since the Companycame to Southampton. Mrs. Lightoller said that she had endeavoured tosee the Mayor of Southampton, to ask what she might do to help incollecting at Netley, as she thought she ought to do everything in herpower now she herself was relieved from anxiety. In conclusion, Mrs.Lightoller said she had been besieged with telegrams of inquiry andcongratulations, and wished to thank those who had sent, for she couldnot possibly reply to so many.

Marconigram dated 18th April 1912 to: Saks & Co., New York. ''36men's medium flannel shirts 12 men's ditto, drawers, 12 pairs socks fordestitute, deliver immediately at Pier 54 to Officer C. H. Lightoller.Lelia.''

Marconigram dated 18th April 1912 to: Siegel Cooper & Co. 6thAvenue, New York. ''25 Coats, 19 Trousers medium weight for destitutedeliver immediately at pier 54 to Officer C. H. Lightoller. - Julia''.

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Brian J. Ticehurst, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Mr. C. H. Lightoller, the second officer (Southampton Times and Hampshire Express, Saturday 20th April 1912, ref: #4387, published 30 January 2005, generated 1st July 2024 10:06:34 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mr-c-h-lightoller-second-officer.html