Encyclopedia Titanica


Brooklyn Daily Times

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Magistrate's Wife Probably Rescued from Titanic
BAYSIDE, April 17---News was received to-day at the home of Edward W. Apppleton, whose wife, a sister of Magistrate Robert C. Cornell, of Manhattan, and sister-in-law of Daniel W. Appleton, ex-Colonel of the Seventh Regiment; her sister-in-law, the Magistrate's wife, and a sister, Mrs. J. M. Brown, of Boston, were on the Titanic, indicating that Mrs. Cornell, who was reported lost in the disaster, while Mrs. Appleton and Mrs. Brown were saved, is also among the rescued on the Carpathia.

A wireless message received gave among the names of those saved that of a "Mrs. Robert C. O'Connell." As there is no such name on the steamer's lists, the person indicated is believed to be Mrs. Robert C. Cornell, the Magistrate's wife, a mistake in the name evidently having been made in the relaying of the original wireless message.

The report of the evident safety of Mrs. Cornell caused great relief here. It was not understood how all the women, being together on the ship, were not saved.


Mark Baber, USA


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) MRS. CORNELL SAVED? (Brooklyn Daily Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #4265, published 28 December 2004, generated 1st July 2024 04:49:07 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-cornell-saved.html