Encyclopedia Titanica

Mrs Kenyon's Account

Oak Park Oak Leaves

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Mrs. Kenyon afterwards told me that the shock of the impact with the iceberg was very loud and heavy, but immediate danger was not expected, and altho she and Mr. Kenyon were then retiring, they had time to dress and she put on an overcoat and hood before they went to the deck.

There was apparently no system, as the first few boats had been lowered without their full capacity, two of them having only sixteen people each. She was in the eighth boat and there were nearly sixty people in her boat, because by the time fear had commenced to take action.

The sailors handling the boats seemed to know very little about them. There was no assignment, evidently, to any particular station, and men grappled with the ropes that probably never handled a life boat before.....She asked Mr. Kenyon to accompany her, but he said he would not go aboard while there was a single woman or child on the Titanic. Mrs. Kenyon wanted to remain, but he insisted that she go and said he would probably join her in the next da: and kissed her good night. There were a sailor and three men on that boat and the rest of them were women and children. The three men had gone aboard with the understanding that they could row, but when they reached the water it was found that none of them had ever handled an oar. In consequence Mrs. Kenyon and another lady helped row the boat miles thru (sic) the ice drift.....''


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2013) Mrs Kenyon's Account (Oak Park Oak Leaves, Saturday 27th April 1912, ref: #19266, published 22 January 2013, generated 1st July 2024 08:43:27 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-kenyon-account-titanic-sinking.html