Encyclopedia Titanica

Mrs Rosa Abbott Improved; in City on Business Trip.

Mrs Rosa Abbott Improved; in City on Business Trip.

The Evening Bulletin (Providence, RI)

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Survivor of Titanic disaster, stopping with friends at Norwood, denies report of critical condition. – will return to New York.

Mrs Rosa, Abbott, one of the survivors of the Titanic disaster, who was reported as being critically ill last week in a New York hospital, denies in a letter to the bulletin, the truth of the statement and says that she is in a very fair condition.

Mrs Abbott, who is the wife of Stanton Abbott, the former English pugilist, is at present, stopping with Mr and Mrs Frederick Swanson in Norwood. She came to this City Saturday afternoon from New York to settle up some business affairs which required immediate attention. Mr and Mrs Swanson have been friends of Mrs Abbott for many years, and it was with the understanding that she would seek a quiet place during her visit here, that the hospital authorities allowed her to come to this city.

When a representative of the bulletin called at the home of Mr Swanson yesterday afternoon, to see Mrs Abbott, she declined to be interviewed, or even discuss through her friends, the disaster, which resulted in the loss of her two sons. She did, however, through Mr Swanson, give out the following written statement: "to relieve the minds of my friends, I wish to state that, although far from well, I am in a very fair condition, considering my experience, and am progressing favorably. I also wish to state that I am in Providence to stay only for a day or so to settle some business that I am compelled to do; then I will leave for New York by the doctor's orders."

It is understood that Mrs Abbott will return to the hospital, where she has been since her arrival on the Carpathia, some three weeks ago, for a week's treatment, and then she will go to a convalescent hospital for at least a month. The great shock over the loss of her two sons has been a severe handicap to her recovery and her physician has forbidden her discussing any of the details incident to the tragedy.

Up to the present time she has had practically nothing to say concerning the wreck, even to her most intimate friends. She is also ignorant of many of the things that have taken place regarding the accident since her arrival at the New York hospital. It was a severe shock to her when she was informed that the body of her oldest son, Rossmore E. Abbott, 17 years old, which was recovered, had to be buried at C. Her friends have abandoned all Hope of the covering the body of her youngest son, using Joseph Abbott, 13 years old.


Gavin Bell, UK

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2024) Mrs Rosa Abbott Improved; in City on Business Trip. (The Evening Bulletin (Providence, RI), Monday 6th May 1912, ref: #740, published 23 February 2024, generated 1st February 2025 03:34:54 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/mrs-rosa-abbott-improved-in-city-on-business-trip.html