Mrs. Edgar Meyer Wires New York That She Is Returning on Carpathia and That Her Husband Is Missing
NEW YORK, April 17.- A wireless message was received today by relatives of Mrs Edgar Meyer, daughter of the late Andrew Saks, reporting that she is among the survivors on board the Carpathia.
Her name has not been included in the list of survivors. Her husband, who is vice president of the Braden Copper Co. was not rescued.
The wireless message from the Carpathia via Halifax is not signed, and ??????:
"Leela safe. Well cared for. Edgar missing."
Mrs. Meyer's father died 10 days ago, and she was coming to New York to be with her mother.
When Vice president A.S.Franklin of the White star line was told the contents of the message received regarding the reported safety of Mrs. Meyer, he exclaimed: "My gentlemen. I hope that's true," and then he added: "Then perhaps others have been saved."
The line official had appeared extremely depressed all the afternoon, but this message from an outside source caused him to brighten up considerably.
NEW YORK, April 17.- A wireless message was received today by relatives of Mrs Edgar Meyer, daughter of the late Andrew Saks, reporting that she is among the survivors on board the Carpathia.
Her name has not been included in the list of survivors. Her husband, who is vice president of the Braden Copper Co. was not rescued.
The wireless message from the Carpathia via Halifax is not signed, and ??????:
"Leela safe. Well cared for. Edgar missing."
Mrs. Meyer's father died 10 days ago, and she was coming to New York to be with her mother.
When Vice president A.S.Franklin of the White star line was told the contents of the message received regarding the reported safety of Mrs. Meyer, he exclaimed: "My gentlemen. I hope that's true," and then he added: "Then perhaps others have been saved."
The line official had appeared extremely depressed all the afternoon, but this message from an outside source caused him to brighten up considerably.
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