Encyclopedia Titanica

News of the Society World : Mrs. Ryerson Returning

Chicago Tribune

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One of the many evidences of Mrs. Marshall Field’s loyalty to Chicago, in spite of nearly a decade spent away from here, is that she has always kept her box for the symphony concerts and has never failed to fill it with friends at each afternoon and evening performance. This year she has departed from her custom so far as to let Mrs. Arthur Ryerson share her box with here. Mrs. Ryerson is returning to Chicago after many years spent in the east and in Europe. Her two older daughters, Miss Suzette and Miss Emily Ryerson, will be great additions to the young set here, as they are very striking in appearance and very attractive in manner.

Mrs. Ryerson will probably in time resume her former position of one of Chicago’s more delightful society leaders and hostesses, but will not take an active part socially. Before she married the late Arthur Ryerson—whose tragic death in the wreck of the Titanic is vivid memory for all his friends—she was an artist of much promise and now plans taking up work in this line again. She has leased the studio on Pearson street, occupied until last spring by Mrs. Marshall Clark, and will devote herself to metal work and jewel setting. Miss Kidder of Boston, with whom she had a studio last winter in that city, has come on from there to share her atelier here and is already established in the Pearson street “work shop.”

Chicago Tribune, Sunday, October 19, 1913, s. 10, p. 2, c. 2

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2009) News of the Society World : Mrs. Ryerson Returning (Chicago Tribune, Monday 13th October 1913, ref: #10890, published 16 June 2009, generated 1st July 2024 09:52:34 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/news-of-the-society-world-mrs-ryerson-returning.html