Encyclopedia Titanica

Not Boats Enough (says Mrs. Guggenheim)

New York Times

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Many inquiries were made at the (White Star Line)office during the day about Benjamin Guggenheim, but no hopeful reply could be given as Mr. Guggenheim's name was not included in any of the lists of survivors received.

About 10 o'clock, just when the crowd in the office was greatest, Mrs. Benjamin Guggenheim arrived, accompanied by her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. De Witt F. Seligman. Mrs. Guggenheim gave every evidence of great mental agitation. Although she bore up bravely, it was apparent that the terrible suspense was threatening a complete breakdown.

Like all the others who were there, Mrs. Guggenheim carefully went over the lists supplied by the company and questioned several of the clerks. Then when she found there was no message of hope for her she sank down on a bench. She talked freely with the newspaper men, seeking from them every bit of information she could obtain about the disaster.

"If so many were lost then the White Star Line did not have enough boats," declared Mrs. Guggenheim passionately. "There should have been more boats."

Then she suddenly drew back in her seat and sat for some minutes, staring quietly ahead of her at the line of weeping women and broken men who were passing by but giving no indication that she saw them at all. After nearly an hour had elapsed, she demanded an interview with Mr. Franklin and was shown to his office. He could only tell her that no reports had been received of her husband and then Mrs. Guggenheim left the building, going to the St. Regis Hotel.

Mr. Franklin promised that any news would be telephoned upon its receipt at his office.

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Benjamin Guggenheim

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Not Boats Enough (says Mrs. Guggenheim) (New York Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #2290, published 30 January 2004, generated 31st January 2025 03:01:52 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/not-boats-enough-says-mrs-guggenheim.html