Olaus Abelseth var 25 år da Titanic gikk under med 1505 passajerer. Han var blantt dem som fikk reddet seg.
Olaus Abelseth was 25 years old when the Titanic went down with 1505 passengers. He was among those who were saved.
Olaus Abelseth var 25 år da Titanic gikk under med 1505 passajerer. Han var blantt dem som fikk reddet seg.
Olaus Abelseth was 25 years old when the Titanic went down with 1505 passengers. He was among those who were saved.
Encyclopedia Titanica (2020) Olaus Abelseth in 1957 (Halden Arbeiderblad, Friday 5th July 1957, ref: #22024, published 11 November 2020, generated 30th January 2025 05:31:33 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/olaus-abelseth-1957.html
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