Encyclopedia Titanica


Evening Times

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Mr. and Mrs. Lucien P. Smith Known in Cumberland.

Morgantown, W. Va., April 17 – Word was received here last night that Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Smith, who had been on the Titanic, had been rescued from the ill-fated liner. A telegram was sent from the White Star line offices in New York to Mrs. Sarah B. Cochran, of Dawson, Pa., stating that the young couple had been rescued.

Lucien P. Smith spent the entire summer of 1908 at Trinity Cottage on South Branch as the guest of his brother, James H. Smith, Morgantown, W. Va., who is one of the owners of the cottage, together with Messrs. Saul Praeger, Elder Humbird and Walter Cunningham.

Mr. James Smith and his aunt, Mrs. Sarah B. Cochran, also of Dawson; Miss Bess Rist, Miss Jean Snyder, of Connellsville, Pa., and Mr. Harry McDonald passed through this city on No. 6 yesterday en route for New York to meet Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are presumed to be aboard the Carpathia. Mr. Lucien Smith has been a life-long friend of Mr. J. Elder Humbird, and has visited here a number of times.


Brandon Whited, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2014) ON THEIR HONEYMOON (Evening Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #19672, published 10 January 2014, generated 1st February 2025 05:21:14 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/on-their-honeymoon.html