Encyclopedia Titanica


Philadelphians Leave on American and French liners.

Philadelphia Record

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Philadelphians Leave on American and French liners.

Confidence in the American flag gave courage to Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Daniel of Rosemont, who sailed yesterday from New York on the American liner Philadelphia. Both had been close to death in the great Titanic disaster, and they had read the awful details of the torpedoing and sinking of the Lusitania just before leaving their home to go to New York and board the ship that was to carry them through the same danger zone where the immense liner met her fate on Friday. “I do not believe there will be any danger, because the Philadelphia is an American ship and carries the Stars and Stripes,” said Mr. Daniel, who also stated that business forced him to go to Europe at this time, or he would not take the trip. As to Mrs. Daniel, he said, she would not let him make the voyage alone.

Mrs. Daniel, when she was Mrs. Eloise Hughes Smith, was on her way back to this country on the Titanic with Mr. Smith from their wedding tour. Lucien Smith, the husband, was drowned when the Titanic went to the bottom. Mr. Daniel, who is a banker in this city, was one of the men who stood on the deck of the sinking vessel and watched the women pulled away in lifeboats. He put on a life-preserver and leaped into the sea and was finally picked up. Prior to the Titanic disaster, Mr. Daniel saved a friend’s life at a fire at the Carlton Hotel, London. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Daniel met a number of times after the disaster that had brought them together, and they were married last August. Mrs. Daniel has a son by her first husband. She is the daughter of Congressman James A. Hughes, of Huntington, W. Va.

S.G. Folwell, Miss Jennie Green and William Black are other Philadelphians who sailed on the Philadelphia.

Lawrence Johnson, Jr., of the brokerage firm Lawrence Johnson & Co., sailed yesterday for Bordeaux on the French liner Espagne. He is on his way to Portugal, to be married on June 5 to Miss Gladys M. Rawes, daughter of an English merchant living in Lisbon. At the home of his father, Dr. Russell H. Johnson, No. 18 East Summit avenue, Chestnut Hill, Mr. Johnson said he did not believe a fate similar to that of the Lusitania would befall the Espagne, as that liner would take the southern route. For several years Mr. Johnson has made annual trips to Portugal. On one of these he met Miss Rawes. Following the wedding, Mr. Johnson and his bride will tour Spain and France. They will come to this city in the fall.


Brandon Whited, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2014) OTHERS SAIL FOR EUROPE (Philadelphia Record, Sunday 9th May 1915, ref: #19673, published 10 January 2014, generated 31st January 2025 09:34:55 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/philadelphians-leave-on-american-and-french-liners.html