Encyclopedia Titanica

Picture Star Given Reception at Weber's

Dorothy Gibson Introduced

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Dorothy Gibson Introduced, Applauded by "Movie" Crowd

A distinct treat was enjoyed by a large audience of devotees of the motion pictures yesterday when Mr. White, manager of Weber’s New York, spied among the evening’s patrons Miss Dorothy Gibson, the beautiful leading woman of the American Éclair Company.

Miss Gibson was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. L. Gibson of Newark (sic), and two other female companions.

Manager White greeted the star and her party and inquired if he might present her to his house.

Miss Gibson graciously consented and upon being introduced and given an armful of American Beauty roses, the charming young lady received an affectionate welcome from the crowd of picturegoers.

"I am pleased to be with you to-night," said Miss Gibson, who wore a light blue theatre gown and a diadem of pearls. "I am in as much anticipation of the program as you are and I am certain we shall have a wonderful time together. My congratulations to Mr. White and his employees who always put on the best pictures in town, even when they are not my own."

Miss Gibson laughed along with her host, and there was more applause from the house.

Miss Gibson then returned to her balcony box and was observed throughout the exhibition kindly acknowledging the curious glances of members of the public who could not refrain from watching their heroine as she watched the pictures right along with them.

The work of the Éclair actress was not on the program for the night but she will be seen in the heart story, "The Awakening," at Weber’s next week.


Jean Collins

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Picture Star Given Reception at Weber's ( ref: #4098, published 29 October 2004, generated 1st February 2025 07:27:15 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/picture-star-given-reception-at-webers.html