Encyclopedia Titanica


Girl Immigrants Here Get Only Nightgowns in New York

Chicago Daily Tribune

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Girl Immigrants Here Get Only Nightgowns in New York


Use of Money Collected Here Urged for Their Assistance

Immigration officer in Chicago who have come in contact with Titanic sufferers have appealed to Mayor Harrison to divert some of the Titanic relief fund from the New York societies and to use it upon Titanic immigrants in Chicago who are in need. The request came because of the conditions of two girls, Anna Kelley and Anna McGowan, suffering from exposure and shock, and because of the stories of three other immigrants who passed through Chicago yesterday with nothing but the clothes they wore and their railroad tickets. Dr. Mary O'Brien Porter of the Catholic Woman league protectorate has taken up the case of the two girls.

Given Only Night Gowns

"We want to see them get a fair pro rata share of the money collected in Chicago" she said, "These two girls were sent away from a hospital in New York in their night gowns. They were given an old pair of shoes, but they were forced to make the trip from New York to Chicago in their coats and nightgowns. They had no dresses nor underwear. "Anna McGowan is the oldest girl of seven children. The remainder of her family are in destitution in Ireland."

Others Arrive Destitute

Two men and a girl from Sweden, Oscar Hedmann, Carl Johnson, and Anna Sjoblom, spent several hours in Chicago yesterday on their way west. All found themselves in New York without a cent. They were taken to an immigration home and clothed and fed. Finally Hedmann wired to a former employer in St. Paul, who sent some money, which Hedmann divided so that the three could get west. Carlson is a giant Swede. He was picked up on a piece of wreckage by the Carpathia after being afloat on a door for six hours.

Another Tragedy of Titanic

Aaron Willer, tailor, left Chicago in December for London and Paris to try to win back customers he had several years ago before he failed in business in London. Willer, returning to his family in Chicago with money, went down on the Titanic. Municipal Judge Sabath yesterday heard a suit to dispossess the Willer family from second floor rooms at 1330 South Halsted street. About $30 is past due. Judge Sabath continued the case until May 18 and personally sent Mrs. Willer $25 for immediate needs. Five children are in the family.


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) PLEA FOR TITANIC ARRIVALS (Chicago Daily Tribune, Friday 26th April 1912, ref: #1216, published 28 August 2003, generated 30th June 2024 01:37:12 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/plea-for-titanic-arrivals.html