Encyclopedia Titanica


Elizabeth Daily Journal

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Two Women Only Ones of Reniff Party on Titanic Believed Saved
There is mourning in several Elizabeth households to-day, as a result of the loss of the Titanic and the majority of its passengers, and in a number of families the joy caused by the anticipated return of loved ones who had been abroad, perhaps for months, was turned to gloom by the published lists of the lost. On the other hand, the anxiety of many was relieved by the roll of the saved.

Rushed through by the wireless operators, the lists are as yet by no means complete, and it is probable that many of these now noted as dead or unaccounted for are now safe aboard the Carpathia which is now steaming toward New York with its load of human freight.

Included in the roll of those who are supposed to have perished, are the names of Clifford and Ernest Jefferies, brothers of Fred Jefferies, of 21B Erie street. Mr. Jefferies’ brother-in-law, Peter H. Reniff, who was also a passenger on the ill-fated steamer, is unaccounted for. Mrs. Reniff is among the saved, according to the lists published yesterday. Reniff and his wife were returning to their home in this city after a trip abroad, and Mrs. Reniff’s brothers accompanied them.

Lawrence Gavey, a resident of this city for five years, and Herbert Denbuoy, of England, a football player, who were members of the Reniff party, are noted among the lost. Miss Emily Rugg, a seventh member of the party, is supposed to have been saved. Miss Rugg was coming to this city on a visit. The party was to have sailed Good Friday on the American liner Philadelphia, but decided to wait for the larger vessel. Had they sailed on the Philadelphia they might have arrived in New York last Saturday. The whole party were second cabin passengers on the Titanic.

Seeks Wife and Children

His face drawn and haggard after a night of awful anxiety, Benjamin Peacock, of 609 South Broad street, visited the Journal office this morning, seeking news of his wife, two children and two brothers, who are believed to have been on the Titanic. The names of Mrs. Treasteal Peacock and two children appeared in the list of steerage passengers this morning, but whether or not they are among the rescued, is not known. The names of the two brothers do not appear, but it is feared they were lost with the vessel. Until the lists of the steerage passengers were published this morning, Mr. Peacock was not sure that his wife, 4-year-old daughter, Treasteal and 9-months-old son, Albert Edward, were on the ill-starred steamer.

According to the story told by Mr. Peacock, his brothers were coming here to make their home with him. He is employed by the Public Service Corporation in Cranford. He sent passage money to his wife two weeks ago. The letter should have reached Mrs. Peacock, who was visiting in Southampton, last Tuesday, and she probably immediately took passage on the Titanic. He did not send any money for passage before this time as he did not want his wife to make the voyage during the winter. He was a sailor before coming here and knows the dangers of the Atlantic.

Both of Mr. Peacock’s brothers were in the marine service of the British government. Ernest Peacock was a marine on H. M. S. Powerful and had just completed two years’ service in Australia.

The other brother, Robert Peacock, had been an engineer in the Submarine Mining Corps and had recently come from the west coast of Africa. He had served twelve years in the service of his country. He received a certificate for life saving almost three years ago from the Royal Humane Society for saving lives off the British cruiser Gladiator when that vessel was struck by the steamship St. Paul off the Isle of Wight.

At the time of that accident Mr. Peacock was stationed on the Isle of Wight, and when the vessel was struck he, with several of his companions, swam to the scene and managed to rescue some of the sailors.

Says Banks Are Dreaded

Mr. Peacock before coming here was a sailor on the steamship Oceanic, of the White Star Line. He said that the Newfoundland banks are dreaded by every sailor. Because of the fog in this section, he further said, it is almost impossible to discern icebergs until the vessel is almost upon them. They can best be seen on moonlight nights as the light of the moon makes them easy to discern.

The icebergs break away from the coast about the middle of March or April. They are a constant menace to vessels until they strike the Gulf stream, which causes the to melt rapidly and thus prevents them from getting to the coasts of England. During this period vessels usually go 100 miles south of the regular route.

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Carter, of Philadelphia, and their two children, Lucille, 13 years old, and William, 10, are among those saved, it is believed. Carter is a nephew of Joseph W. Carter, of 43 South Broad street, this city.

The name of Colonel Archibald Gracie, of Washington, also appears on the list of the rescued. He is a cousin of Miss Esther Gracie Ogden, of 232 South Broad street, this city. Colonel Gracie went abroad five weeks ago for his health.

Snyder Missed Titanic

Word has been received here to the effect that Fred Snyder, of Court street, who went to Paris some months ago on a business trip, had intended to sail for home aboard the Titanic. Business connections kept him in France three days longer than he had anticipated, however, and he was unable to sail on the liner. Mr. Snyder is now on his way across the Atlantic aboard the Mauretania.

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Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) REPORT LOSS OF 5 PERSONS COMING HERE (Elizabeth Daily Journal, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #2452, published 12 March 2004, generated 1st February 2025 05:34:45 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/report-loss-5-persons-coming-here.html