Encyclopedia Titanica


The Times

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A Requiem Mass for the souls of those who lost their lives owing to the sinking of the Titanic was held in Westminster Cathedral yesterday morning. The clergy of the diocese have lost three of their members, the best known being Father Byles, of Ongar, Essex. The following telegram has been received from Mr Byle’s brother in Now York, whose marriage he was to attend:- “ Father Byles undoubtedly lost. Assuredly a martyr of charity in exercise of his priestly function”. The other clergy who lost their lives in the wreck were a Lithuanian priest from the Lithuanian Church in Commercial Road, and a Benedictine monk from South Lambeth. The service yesterday was attended by a large congregation, which included the French Ambassador (M. Gambon), the Duke of Norfolk, Sir John Knill, and Sir William Lunn. Cardinal Bourne presided during the Mass, which was sung by the Administrator of the Cathedral, Mgr Howlett. The music of the Mass was that of Francesco Anerio, which was supplemented by the usual Gregorian music. The Libera Prayers for the Dead were sung and the Cardinal and the clergy then returned to the Sacristy reciting the Miserere. The Papal flag and the Union Jack were flying at half-mast from the cathedral.

A Requiem Mass was celebrated yesterday in the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Queenstown, for the repose of the souls of those who perished in the disaster. Queenstown was the last British port at which the Titanic touched, and 122 of her passengers embarked there. The service was attended by more than 3,000 persons. The Bishop of Cloyne presided.

A Solemn Requiem for the souls of those who perished in the wreck of the Titanic, arranged by the Guild of All Souls, was sung yesterday morning at St Stephen’s Parish Church, Gloucester Road, South Kensington. The church was filled with a large congregation. The music was that of Palestrina, and was sung by the choir without accompaniment. The Agnes Dei was sung as a solo to Merbecke’s setting. The alms collected at the offertory, amounting to £53, were given to the Mansion House Fund for the sufferers. The vicar, the Rev Lord Victor Seymour, conducted the service.

A memorial service for the late Mr Joseph Holland Loring, of Park Lane, who went down in the Titanic will be held at St George’s Church, Hanover Square, tomorrow at 12.30.

A memorial service for Mr Christopher Head, ex-Mayor of Chelsea, will be held at St Luke’s Church, Chelsea, on Friday next at 1 pm.

The Rev George Harper, of Gorgie Baptist Church, Edinburgh, has received a telegram from New York intimating that his brother, the Rev John Harper of London, has perished in the disaster. Mr Harper’s daughter, aged six, and her nurse have been saved.

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Stanley C. Jenkins, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2007) REQUIEM MASS AT WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL (The Times, Wednesday 24th April 1912, ref: #5554, published 10 May 2007, generated 30th June 2024 04:46:13 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/requiem-mass-at-westminster-cathedral.html