Rev. William Lahtinen, of Cokato, Minn., a prospective resident of Minneapolis, who this spring completed the house which he intended for his Minneapolis home, is believed by a relative who resides here to be among those who went down with the Titanic. Paul Tauriainen, 801 Girard avenue north, yesterday recognized in the reported list of rescued passengers the name of Mrs. William Lahtigen (sic) as that of his cousin, the wife of the Cokato clergyman, who, with her child, accompanied him on a tour of Finland whic hwas (sic) intended to end at the present time. The couple intended to begin their Minneapolis residence on their return.
Mr. Lahtinen was one of the best known Finnish ministers in America. He was 35 years old and had resided for many years in Cokato, where he was pastor of the Apostolic Lutheran church. He was well known to the Finnish residents of Minneapolis whom he had visited. In October, Mr. and Mrs. Lahtinen and their child, Martha, went to Finland where Mr. Lahtinen and two Finnish ministers of Michigan were to deliver a course of lectures, and where Mr. Lahtinen's mother was to be visited. A rumor came to friends that the child only a week or two ago died in Finland and, if the report is true, it may account for the fact that its name does not accompany that of its mother. No other relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Lahtinen than Mr. Tauriainen are know (sic) to live in Minnesota. Mrs. Lahtinen has relatives in the Black Hills, S. D. The house which is destined never to shelter the man who built it, if his cousin's inference is correct, stands at 2016 Second avenue south. This is near Irving avenue and the Cedar Lake road.
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