Encyclopedia Titanica


The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City

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Says Steamship Line Must Send Her Son's Body Home
Mother Objects to Burial in Halifax, Announced Purpose of Company
Unless the White Star Line company carries out its published promise to send
the bodies of Titanic victims recovered from the sea to any point desired by
relatives, Mrs. Lee Chamberlain of this city, whose son, A. H. Hyter, was
one of the drowned, will bring suit for damages.

Mrs. Chamberlain wired this alternative to the White Star Line in New York
yesterday, following the arrival of a message in which the steamship company
regretted that it would be unable to send the body of Hyter to Salt Lake, as
requested by his mother.

Upon learning of her son's death Mrs. Chamberlain wired at once to have the
body sent to Salt Lake immediately upon its arrival at Halifax. In reply the
steamship company wired as follows yesterday:

Mrs. Lee Chamberlain:
Dear Madam---We acknowledge receipt of your message and have to advise you
that the White Star Line has cabled instructions to have all recovered
bodies of the crew given Christian burial at Halifax in separate graves,
with names on them. In view of this we regret that we will not be able to
forward body of your son to Salt Lake. We quite appreciate that you might
wish to have Mr. Hyter buried at your home, but we trust this will be
equally satisfactory, to have him buried in manner described above.

A. H. Hyter was a member of the crew, having enlisted in the ship's service
in order to work his way across the sea. He was coming home to visit his
mother after a ten years' absence.

Taking the published promise of the steamship company at its face value,
Mrs. Chamberlain declares she will insist upon the return of her son's body
to Salt Lake and will use every legal means at her command to enforce her
request. Accordingly, she wired the White Star Line offices last night that
the body must be forwarded at once or suit for damages would be instituted
at earliest possible date.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) SALT LAKE MOTHER MAY SUE WHITE STAR (The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City, Saturday 4th May 1912, ref: #19005, published 1 July 2012, generated 3rd July 2024 08:29:06 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/salt-lake-mother-may-sue-white-star-19005.html