Encyclopedia Titanica

Seeks Lien on Estate of a Titanic Victim

Unidentified Newspaper

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John S.Fanning, of East Orange, N.J., applied yesterday to Surrogate Fowler, for letters of administration for the estate of John D. Baumann, a promoter of South American rubber and timber companies, who was lost on the Titanic. Mr Fanning said that the will of Mr Baumann named Henry B. Harris, the theatrical manager, as executor. The latter also lost his life in the Titanic disaster. Fanning made the application as a creditor of the Baumann estate. The attorneys for Fanning said yesterday that they knew little about Baumann's affairs, except that at times he had been wealthy and at others very poor. When he was drowned he was returning from London, where he had financed one of his companies. Mr Baumann's will filed yesterday leaves his estate in trust to Mr Harris for a sister after a claim of $10,000 has been paid to Mr Harris. He left to Mr Harris his Masonic charm, watch and chain, studs, pins and any other personal posessions which he may desire to possess.


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2005) Seeks Lien on Estate of a Titanic Victim (Unidentified Newspaper, Saturday 7th September 1912, ref: #4349, published 12 January 2005, generated 3rd July 2024 10:33:02 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/seeks-lien-estate-titanic-victim.html