Encyclopedia Titanica

Swansea men aboard Titanic

Cambria Daily Leader

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Mr. Evan Davies of Ynismond, Glais, who was on board the Titanic with Mr. J. Rogers, another Swansea Valley man. It is feared that the lives of both have been lost.

Our Swansea Valley reporter writes:

The names of W. J. Rogers and Evan Davies, of Ynisynmond, near Pontardawe, who were on the Titanic, do not appear in the list of survivors, and it is taken for granted that they have gone down amongst the 1,400. Rogers is 29 years of age, married, with one child, and it was only last Friday an order was made against him at the Pontardawe Police Court for wife desertion. Davies, who is a nephew of Rogers, is 23 years of age, and has been brought up with Rogers and family at the Ynisymond Ycha Farm.

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Brian J. Ticehurst, UK


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Swansea men aboard Titanic (Cambria Daily Leader, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #2389, published 5 March 2004, generated 30th June 2024 09:25:36 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/swansea-men-aboard-titanic.html