Encyclopedia Titanica

Tablet for Titanic Heroine

Miss Evans Gave Up Place in Boat to Mother and Child

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SAYVILLE, L. I., Dec. 24--- On the inner wall of St. Ann's Episcopal Church of this village a tablet was erected yesterday to the memory of Miss Edith Corso [sic] Evans by her sister, Mrs. Lena Calwalda of New York city.

Miss Evans sacrificed her life in one of the conspicuous acts of heroism recorded in connection with the Titanic disaster. She was seated in a lifeboat which was about to be lowered when the officers brought forward a mother and child for whom there seemed to be no room. Miss Evans rose and gave up her place. A few moments later she went down with the ship.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2012) Tablet for Titanic Heroine ( ref: #19215, published 20 December 2012, generated 2nd July 2024 07:31:38 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/tablet-for-titanic-heroine-19215.html