Encyclopedia Titanica

The Unfortunate Countess Urbina

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The Unfortunate Countess Urbina

Sometimes the stories around the Titanic are as amazing as the Titanic story itself!

Take the tale of Countess Urbina. Let us list her misfortunes:

Lost one daughter when she fell down a lift shaft and was crushed. Almost lost her first husband (Colonel Archibald Gracie) on the Titanic. He was rescued but died later the same year from the effects of his ordeal. Lost her third child and possibly a newly born grandchild in the influenza epidemic (oh, and both her other daughters also predeceased her) in 1919. Lost her half of the family fortune in a brokerage collapse... and then lost the other half to her late daughter's husband thanks to the highly suspicious disappearance of a will that, she claimed, left the money to her.

The final catastrophe, other than her own death, due to a fall, in 1937, was the realisation that her husband, Count Urbina, wasn't a count at all. Just a golddigger who tied her up and tried to suffocate her then locked her in a bathroom before stealing her money and jewels and fleeing on a steamboat to Chile.

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