Encyclopedia Titanica

Andrew Stevenson

Delivery Crew Trimmer

Mr Andrew Stevenson (Delivery Crew) was born in Greencastle, Belfast, Ireland on 16 November 1883. One of six children from a Church of Ireland family, he was the son of labourer Joseph Stevenson and the former Isabella Hall, both natives of Co Antrim.

As a youth Stevenson and his family moved from Greencastle, located on the outskirts of north Belfast, to Tennent Street off the Shankill Road, closer to Belfast City Centre. Described as a labourer, he was married in Trinity Church, Belfast on 27 October 1906 to Rachel Richardson (b. 16 October 1880). The couple went on to have six children: John Sydney (b. 1907), Jane Winifred (b. 1909), Andrew Cecil (b. 1912), Earle (b. 1914) and Andrew Leonard (b. 1920), whilst an unnamed baby daughter was stillborn born in October 1916. Their eldest son named Andrew died in March 1913 from pneumonia. 

By 1911 the Stevenson family lived at 123 Blythe Street in south Belfast with Andrew being described as a "well-sinker".

Briefly employed as a ship’s trimmer, Stevenson’s ship prior to Titanic had been the Olympic. He joined Titanic at Belfast for the delivery trip to Southampton where he then disembarked.

Stevenson did not continue a lengthy seagoing career and instead took numerous land-based labouring jobs. In the mid-1920s he and his family emigrated to Canada, initially settling in the Toronto area where he worked as an engineer.

Widowed in 1927, Andrew Stevenson died in Montréal, Québec on 26 December 1934 at the age of 51. He was buried in Mount Royal Cemetery. 

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr Andrew Stevenson
Age: 28 years 4 months and 29 days (Male)
Nationality: Irish
Religion: Church of ireland
Marital Status: Married to Rachel Richardson
Occupation: Trimmer
Last Ship: Olympic
Embarked: Belfast on Friday 29th March 1912
Disembarked: Southampton

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