Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic : On this Day... 19 March

Titanic events from today in history

The following 9 people were born

HAWKESWORTH, Mr William Walter — 19th March 1869
LENGYEL, Dr Árpád — 19th March 1886
OLIVER, Mr Harry — 19th March 1871
RICE, Mr Charles John — 19th March 1880
RUMEN, Mr Giuseppe Giorgio — 19th March 1894
PFROPPER, Mr Richard Paul Jozef — 19th March 1882
NAṢR ALLĀH, Mrs Adāl — 19th March 1895
DREW, Mrs Maria Louisa Thorne — 19th March 1878
ASPLUND, Master Edvin Rojj Felix — 19th March 1909

The following 3 people died

MOORE, Mr George Alfred — 19th March 1943
MATHERS, Mr John — 19th March 1945
COYLE, Mr John Neil — 19th March 1958

The following 6 items were published

New York Times (1912) MORGAN AIDS PREVENTORIUM — 19th March 1912
Burlington Free Press (1914) SAYS HE'S SON OF TITANIC VICTIM, CLAIMS ESTATE — 19th March 1914
Indianapolis Star (1914) CLAIMS WEIR ESTATE VALUE $1,000,000 — 19th March 1914
Titanic News (2013) TITANIC II — 19th March 2013
(2019) HOW TITANIC BROKE IN HALF — 19th March 2019
Titanica! (2023) LIFEBOATS, LAUNCH TIMES, LIST AND TRIM: PART 1 — 19th March 2023