Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic passengers that cancelled or missed the crossing


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This page contains the names of several people that planned to travel on the Titanic but for one reason failed to do so. Some had actually booked cabins and these are confirmed by their presence in an early passenger list. Others only appear in newspaper reports or family lore and are therefore harder to verify.

See also Unlisted passengers and crew.

ADELMAN, Mr. and Mrs

ANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Walter

BACON, Robert, wife and daughter.
U.S. Ambassador to France, was delayed by late arrival of his successor, Myron T. Hendrick. Changed to the France, which departed France on her maiden voyage 20 April 1912.

BILL, Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.
Mrs. Bill had a dream of Titanic being wrecked; they sailed on Celtic instead.

BOND, Mrs. Florence and maid

Driving to Cherbourg, his car broke down and he missed the boat. However, his name remained on passenger list. His story was related in Walter Lord's The Night Lives On.

CRAIG, Norman, KC, MP
Booked cabin C-132 (see Cave List)

(FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT). LONDON, Tuesday. Mr Norman Craig, K.C., M P., may be regarded as an exceedingly lucky person, for after booking his passage on board the Titanic; he changed his mind, and did not make the journey. Interviewed by our representative this afternoon, Mr Craig said that, as far as he could say, he had no conscious reason for delaying his voyage other than the fact that he considered that, in view of the present political situation, it would bettor for him to remain at home. "I was not going America on business," he said. "I was only intending make the run across and back for the sake of a health-giving outing."
Mr Craig considers that be has had a providential escape. He had actually packed his belongings ready to depart, and then changed his mind at the last moment. The member for the Isle of Thanet is an enthusiastic yachtsman, and is extremely fond of the sea. It is therefore quite natural that he should spend a short holiday in the manner that had intended. - Hull Daily Mail - Tuesday 16 April 1912

Mr. Norman Craig, K.C., M.P., son of Dr. Craig, whom possibly many Bedfordians will remember during his practice Ashburnham-road. is to congratulated on his escape. He had booked a passage on the Titanic, but cancelled it at the last moment. He has since stated in conversation with a "Morning Post" representative: It is impossible say how thankful I feel that I did not undertake the voyage, although joy is tempered by the knowledge that I have many friends on board, of whose fate I am still uncertain. Everything was ready for my trip across the Atlantic. All my baggage was packed and nothing remained for me to do except to go down to the dock and step on board. But I decided the last thing on the evening before the Titanic sailed that I would not go, and cacelled my passage.” - Bedfordshire Mercury - Friday 19 April 1912

Of Winnipeg, Manitoba; canceled because illness forced him to take an earlier ship.

EASTMAN, Miss Annie
Booked cabin D-31 (see Cave List)

FRANKS, Alfred
Mr Alfred Franks of Edgbaston, Birmingham changed his mind after booking. A few days before sailing he took a boat from Liverpool instead..

FRICK, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay
Booked for suite B-52; canceled when Mrs. Frick hurt her ankle at Madeira on a cruise aboard Adriatic.

HANAN, Mr. and Mrs.

HARDING, Mr. and Mrs. J. Horace
Booked suite B-52 after it had been given up by Henry Frick and J.P. Morgan; canceled and took Mauretania instead.

HART, George

HITCHENS, Col. J. Warren
Could not get suitable accommodations

HOLDEN, Rev. J. Stuart
The Reverend J.Stuart Holden, rector of St. Paul's Church, Portman Square, London, was booked on the Titanic to sail from Southampton of 10 April 1912 , he is mentioned on the Herbert Cave Passenger List and would have occupied cabin D-11. Unfortunately for her, but perhaps fortunately for him, his wife fell ill before his departure and Rev. Holden cancelled his trip. His boarding card recently came to light in Liverpool.

Holden Titanic Ticket

HOME, Thomas, brother in law to Major Arthur Peuchen was scheduled to sail on Titanic, but cancelled. He sailed on the Lusitania's last voyage.


KIND, Frank
Booked from Amsterdam, saw accommodation plan at Paris, canceled. Transferred to NDL Washington, departed 7 April 1912


Was booked for cabin E-37

LEWIS, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton P. (? Charlton; ?Charles T.)
Were booked for cabin D-32 (see WOOD)

MADDEN, The Rt. Rev. T. J.
Archbishop of Liverpool, England


MIDDLETON, Hon. J. Conan

MORGAN, Mr. John Pierpont
Booked suite B-52. Was delayed by business (suite then booked by Mr. and Mrs. J. Horace Harding).

NESBITT, Rev. Henry S., wife and five hildren
Re-booked 10 April 1912 Titanic departure to 6 April 1912 Carmania departure because of family emergency.

NORMAN, Maxwell
From Boston. Changed to Oceanic

O'BRIEN, Mr. and Mrs. James V.
Were in Ireland because of a lawsuit, which lasted longer than expected. Had to switch to another ship.

Peterson wrote to friends that he had decided not to travel on the Titanic. There is also some evidence that he received a partial refund on his ticket. However it is generally accepted that he did travel and perished in the disaster.


ROBERTS, Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, and maid
Saved as Mrs. Elizabeth Robert, and maid

ROSS, Sir Charles
Booked to return on Lusitania, whose voyage was canceled by coal strike. Could not wait for Titanic, re-booked on Carmania sailing 3 days ahead of Titanic.

STAFFORD, Rev. J. S. Wardell

STURROCK, Crawford James

Death of Barnhill Man
A Barnhill man, who should have sailed on the Titanic as the representative of an engineering firm, but who was delayed and missed the ship, has died 25 years almost to a day after the disaster to the famous liner on April 14, 1912. He was Mr Crawford James Sturrock, 42 Kerrington Crescent, formerly a partner in the firm of Sturrock & Murray, engineers, Dundee. One of five seafaring brothers, he joined the firm of G. & J. Weir, Ltd., Holm Foundry, Cathcart, Glasgow, and sailed in many vessels as tho guarantee man of their productions. It was in this capacity that ho was to have joined the Titanic. He came to Dundee 20 years ago to join the firm of Pturrock & Murray. He is survived by Mrs Sturrock, a son and a daughter. - Dundee Courier - Tuesday 20 April 1937

MISSED THE BOAT. ESCAPED DEATH ON THE TITANIC. Passing of Mr Crawford J. Sturrock A man who escaped death on the Titanic because missed the boat has died at Dundee. Mr Crawford James Sturrock, 42 Kerrington Crescent, Barnhill, Dundee, was one of a family of engineers and seafaring men, six of whom were at sea at one time. After holding a chief's certificate, he left the sea and joined the staff of Messrs Weir, Cathcart, Glasgow, and attended the trial trip of many of the firm's productions as guarantee man. The time the Titanic was to sail Mr Sturrock was delayed and that fact saved his life. Deceased came to Dundee 20 years ago partner in the firm of .Sturrock & Murray, and retired some years ago. He is survived by a wife, a son, and' daughter. One of a family of 15, Mr Sturrock leaves only three brothers, all in Dundee, and one sister. - Dundee Evening Telegraph - Monday 19 April 1937

THOMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, and son Harold
The Thompson family had to cancel their Titanic trip when their son was badly hurt while playing.

TURNER, Mr. and Mrs. George H.

VANDERBILT, Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr George Washington Vanderbilt (1862-1914), grandson of shipping and railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt, and creator of Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC booked to occupy a first-class cabin. However, they changed their minds at the last minute and sailed on the Olympic, but sent most of their baggage along with his personal valet Fred Wheeler, who boarded the Titanic as a second-class passenger at Southhampton. Wheeler perished in the disaster.

It is not clear why the Vanderbilts changed their minds about sailing on the Titanic. According to a New York Times article dated April 30, 1912, they did so at the urging of Edith's mother (Susan Dresser), but since she had died in 1883, this cannot be correct. It is possible that the Times confused Edith's mother Susan with Edith's sister who bore the same name, but there is no way of knowing for sure. The Biltmore Estate Archives contains a letter from George Vanderbilt's niece, Adele Sloane Burden, expressing her relief in learning that her aunt and uncle had changed their minds and were safe. Early newspaper reports had placed Vanderbilt among the missing passengers.



WILKINSON, Mrs. S. George

WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifford

WILSON, Miss Dorothy and Miss Edith
Could not get the accommodations they wanted; Re-booked on the Rotterdam

WOOD, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.
Booked cabin D-32 (see LEWIS)

The following 3rd class passengers had tickets from Queenstown but appear not to have joined.

COURTNEY, Margaret
GILLIGAN, Margaret
O'BRIEN, Denis

For more information on these see John P. Eaton (2008) Canceled Passages aboard the Titanic.


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2017) Titanic passengers that cancelled or missed the crossing (Titanica!, , ref: #20199, published 12 August 2017, generated 1st July 2024 06:09:45 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-passengers-that-cancelled-or-missed-the-crossing.html