Titanic Review
Dan E. Parkes
Captain Edward J. Smith, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews and the Sinking of Titanic
Titanic Review
Philip Hind
Revealing some of Titanic's shadier passengers in a brighter light than ever before.
Titanic Review
Helene Drouais
How a Farm Girl Became the Queen of Fashion and Survived the Titanic
Titanic Review
Philip Hind
A brief review of a documentary about the Chinese sailors aboard Titanic
Titanic Review
Philip Hind
Diving Titanic's Sister Ship
Titanic Review
Geoff Whitfield
A fascinating insight into White Star Line’s conduct following the loss of their prize vessel “Titanic”
Titanic Review
Geoff Whitfield
Geoff Whitfield reviews a new book about the popular White Star Liner launched in 1899
Titanic Review
Gerhard Schmidt-Grillmeier
Review of the book by Eugene Nesmeyanov
Titanic Review
Stuart Kelly
Stuart Kelly reports on a poignant swansong for Titanic Composer James Horner at the recent performance of Titanic Live at the Royal Albert Hall with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Titanic Review
Anthony Cunningham
Titanic Review
Stuart Kelly
Stuart Kelly reviews the rereleased 3d 'Titanic' by James Cameron.
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier and Stuart Kelly
Mike Poirier and Stuart Kelly review Brian Hawley's book on Titanic's sister ship RMS Olympic
Titanic Review
Inger Sheil
Gilded Lives, Fatal Voyage takes its title from Mark Twain’s famous observation that enduringly characterised an era, and the reference is an apt one. “The Gilded Age” is
Titanic Review
Randy Bryan Bigham
Randy Bryan Bigham reviews two new children’s titles that are both informative and entertaining
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier
Michael Poirier reviews one of the few books to focus on the Titanic's rescue ship, the RMS Carpathia.
Titanic Review
Ed Coghlan
Thomas Millar helped to construct the Titanic
Titanic Review
Paul Lee
Dr Paul Lee reviews a new Titanic book which brings an unorthodox approach to Titanic storytelling.
Titanic Review
Michael Poirier
The 100th anniversary has given us two books on Titanic's Canadian connections...
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier
Ohio Tales of the Titanic, is definitely a standout. This specific book focuses on the Buckeye state connections to Titanic.
Titanic Review
Sandy McLendon
Sandy McLendon revisits James Cameron's Titanic
Titanic Review
Stanley C. Jenkins
Stanley Jenkins reviews a lavish volume of maritime art by painter Simon Fisher
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Sorry this is late, if anyone is still interested. I, myself, found it hard to sustain attention.
Episode 1 :
Titanic Review
Klaus Egvang
Klaus Egvang reviews Titanic - De danske fortællinger by Mette Hjermind McCall and Jesper Hjermind.
Titanic Review
Stuart Kelly
Stuart Kelly visits the Titanic Belfast exhibition
Titanic Review
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers reviews a new BBC audiobook of Titanic recollections.
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Nautical Groundhog Day is here again.
Episode 1 : Episod
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Monica Hall casts a critical eye over episode 2 of Julian Fellowes big budget Titanic miniseries.
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Monica Hall reviews the first episode of Julian Fellowes new four-part drama Titanic
Titanic Review
Tom Insley
This beautifully-presented app is a must-have for any Titanic buff!
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier
On a Sea of Glass is a comprehensive book for those interested in every aspect of the lost liner.
Titanic Review
Craig Stringer
This new book explores the life of one of the heroes of the Titanic, Harold Godfrey Lowe. As the Titanic was sinking his actions were instrumental in saving the lives of many, and
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier
Mike Poirier reviews a Titanic centennial offering from distinguished maritime historian John Maxtone-Graham
Titanic Review
Peter Engberg
Peter Engberg reviews George Behe's compilation of letters written aboard RMS Titanic
Titanic Review
Mike Poirier
Families are often the guardians of history. Who would have imagined that a new, amateur photo taken aboard Titanic on the day she sailed would grace the cover of a book? Julie Hedgepeth W
Titanic Review
Inger Sheil
Inger Sheil reviews a fully revised biography of Titanic's Captain
Titanic Review
Stanley C. Jenkins
Review of the new biography of Hugh McElroy, the Chief Purser of RMS Titanic:
Titanic Review
Art Braunschweiger
Review of Mark Chirnside's ‘Olympic’ Class Ships: Olympic – Titanic – Britannic
Titanic Review
Randy Bryan Bigham
Allan Wolf lyricizes the Titanic in a fact-based, poignant evocation of the 100 year old tragedy
Titanic Review
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers reviews a magnificent new volume of Titanic images.
Titanic Review
Senan Molony
The third edition of the seminal reference book on the Titanic
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
A remarkable team of experts shine fresh and detailed light on a century old drama.
Titanic Review
Mark Chirnside
Mark Chirnside reviews Andrew Wilson's new book exploring the later lives of Titanic's survivors.
Titanic Review
Michael Poirier
The story of Olympic's abortive 350 mile dash to save Titanic.
Titanic Review
Stanley C. Jenkins
Sally Nilsson, Hichen's great-granddaughter, attempts to set the record straight and reveal the true character of the man her family knew.
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Gill Paul sets off to beguile us with romance but the facts keep getting in the way.
Titanic Review
Randy Bryan Bigham
Love at the helm: New Titanic title blends romance and history.
Titanic Review
Senan Molony
Ismay as Ecce Homo
Titanic Review
George Jacub
Syrians on the Titanic
Titanic Review
Senan Molony
Senan Molony reviews Steve Turner's new book about the musicians aboard the Titanic The Band that Played On
Titanic Review
Charles A. Haas
Titanic Scandal: The Trial of the Mount Temple by Senan Molony
Few aspects of Titanic&r
Titanic Review
Dave Bryceson
Reviewed by Dave Bryceson
Titanic Review
Paul Rogers
The scandal of a ship, within sight of the sinking Titanic that did nothing to help. Rockets were seen and ignored...but was the Captain guilty of mass murder? Did 1500 people needlessly die?
Titanic Review
Paul Rogers
Paul Rogers reviews a new book exploring the mystery of the
Titanic Review
Brian J. Ticehurst
A review of Gary Cooper's second book on the RMS Titanic's Captain
Titanic Review
Richard A. Krebes
Minnetonka, Minnesota. May, 1988...
In a one-level rambler on a street with the pretty name "Croftview Terrace", a young boy sits mesmerized. A letter in his hand. A letter written on the
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
This fondly-written book had a strange overall effect upon me - it almost made me wish I were religious.
Titanic Review
Philip Hind
A stone's throw from the Eiffel tower in Paris, rested the last floating remnant of the White Star Fleet
Titanic Review
Dave Gittins
Dave Gittins reviews Titanic: The Ship Magnificent, the ambitious two-volume edition that describes the achievement that was "Titanic" in detail as never before.
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Finding Dorothy by Randy Bryan Bigham, Reviewed by Monica hall
Titanic Review
Michael Tennaro
In this new book, Chirnside has done the triplets proud, with a thoroughly researched history of each of these vessels.
Titanic Review
Monica Hall
Titanic Review
Gavin Murphy
In the final analysis The Sinking of the Titanic: An Ice Pilot's Perspective is a rich and important addition to the ongoing saga of that "night to remember."