Encyclopedia Titanica


The Salt Lake Tribune

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Salt Lake, Feb 28---Miss Margaret B. Hays of New York and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bechstein of New Rochelle, N. Y., are guests at the Hotel Utah in this city. They arrived early yesterday afternoon from San Francisco over the Western Pacific and will continue on their eastern trip tonight. Miss Hays was a survivor of the Titanic disaster, which occurred on the White Star line last spring, and her name has become well known through the part she played in caring for two little French boys whose father went down with the liner. When seen in the hotel yesterday Miss Hays freely discussed the disaster, to which she referred as the greatest criminal negligence of which she had ever heard.

In speaking of one of her experiences, she said:

"There were many incidents during the trip to New York after the accident that brought out the true worth of the persons concerned. One in particular was on the Carpathia. A German count [Alfred Nourney perhaps?] had managed to get into a boat and was saved with the rest. During the trip the crew of the Carpathia placed at the disposal of the extra passengers a large quantity of emigrant blankets. My friend and I gave up our stateroom and were sleeping on the deck or anywhere we could. It was bitterly cold one night and there seemed to be an unusual dearth of blankets. My friend and I approached the count, whose name I never learned, and I asked him for some of the huge stack of blankets that he had appropriated.

"'You wouldn't have me give up my nice warm bed, would you?' pleaded the count. 'Yes, I would,' I answered. I couldn't get them until I called him a brute and demanded them. He then got up grumbling and under him were ten of the heavy blankets, while others were shivering about the deck. We took two of the blankets and as he settled down on the others I leaned over him and said. 'You were saved and women and children went down with the ship.' Some wanted to throw him overboard."

The Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2013) TITANIC SURVIVOR IN SALT LAKE (The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday 28th February 1913, ref: #19339, published 27 February 2013, generated 2nd July 2024 07:30:13 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-survivor-in-salt-lake-19339.html